Do you like being lied to?

Do you like to be lied to? Do you mind being deceived, manipulated, fooled, tricked, duped, conned, scammed, screwed, bamboozled, and hoodwinked into accepting falsity as truth? I doubt anyone would answer yes. From these simple questions alone the importance of truth is demonstrated.


However, some people deny there is truth. Some are solipsists, subjectivists or post modernists. Even for those who recognize that there is truth and it has value, they don’t seem too concerned into seeking it. Why seek it? Because we are being lied to, deceived, conned, etc. The deception is all around. It’s in the mainstream media and every institution around us, be it government and all the peripheral institutions, or medicine and other sciences.

If you’re not aware of this, then you haven’t been paying close enough. The deception is working well. We have all bought into falsehoods and accepted tem as truth, and most continue to be because they don’t even know they are being manipulated by those they believe they can trust to provide them with truth. Some easily verifiable historical examples are the Gulf of Tonkin false flag of the war on Vietnam, and the Kuwait incubator baby conspiracy of the first war on Iraq.

Our actions are based on our thoughts and perceptions about the world around us (worldview), and about ourselves (self-view). We have always been taking in information from our environment, which includes our own bodies within it. Information is consumed and influences us. Sometimes the influence is a conscious choice, and sometimes it’s unconscious, either way it is influencing us. The less we reflect and think about information and what we are perceiving, the more likely it is to condition us as a being of consciousness.

Our psyche is being conditioned, programmed and mind controlled, whether we know it or not. Our behavior is formed by this conditioning. We have programs, so to speak, running our behavior. Our lack of thinking, especially critical thinking, reflection and evaluation of the information we are fed and consume, leads to us living in conditioned and programmed ways. Non-thinking is a problem that leads us to accept falsity.

This is why the pursuit of truth is important. The information from the so-called acceptable or authoritative sources need to be questioned. Looking at alternative sources of information is important. Thinking that information that contradicts the status quo, mainstream or official narrative is bullshit or lies, means you won’t even look into it to evaluate it for its veracity. If you consider authoritative media, government and experts as the only alleged authority to provide you with information, you will continue to be deceived and won’t even be aware of it. You will continue to accept falsity and think it’s true.

Keeping people ignorant of how they are manipulated is important. Keeping people from looking into methodologies being used to manipulate them is also important. This makes sure people continue to be influenced and controlled, and are dissuaded from even looking at information that questions or contradicts the established and accepted narratives people are expected to believe in.

It’s important to not be deceived and manipulated into accepting falsities. Otherwise, the direction we go in will likely be built upon a flawed foundational understanding and lead us into falser ways of living. Core beliefs are valued and weigh on our decision making. We are filled with axioms that we think are self-evident, yet haven’t looked at them deeper to see if they truly are. An axiom (from the Proto-Indo-European word ‘ag-ty-o‘, with the root ‘ag’ meaning to drive, draw, and move) motivates us, moves us, or draws us to certain paths and behaviors. Our false axioms and beliefs are binding us into false pathways.

Take one simple example. If you take within yourself the axiom that 2+2=5 then your development in further attempting to understanding subsequent mathematics will be orders of magnitude different than if you were to understand that 2+2=4. The divergence in understanding grows exponentially with the degree of divergence from fundamental axiomatic principles of truth. Building from a false axiom or belief will lead one onto the wrong path from the beginning. The more falsity taken in, the more the path diverges from truth.

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