US (S)Election 2020: Orchestrating Civil War

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A civil war is currently brewing here in America, an unfortunate truth that is becoming ever more clear with each passing day. No sooner than the dust of the 2020 elections began to settle and it was already becoming apparent that the post-election chaos was being used to fuel a great divide among Americans and stoke civil unrest, while the powers that be were busy using the Great 2020 (S)Election to orchestrate a civil war. It really shouldn't be surprising, given that the 'experts' who had simulated this great election circus over the summer had in fact predicted this very outcome: "Each scenario except for a Biden landslide win ended in violent protests and a constitutional crisis."

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One could of course argue that such simulations are not meant to act as predictions or models of the future, but in reality they often do; not to mention that these election war games did simulate a presidential race too close to call on Election Night leading to post-election chaos, contested results and a constitutional crisis, all of which just so happened to play out just as simulated.

Then of course there was the rhetoric coming from President Trump, who had for weeks been warning of a plot to steal the election by way of widespread voter fraud, dutifully preparing his supporters to immediately doubt the election results if Biden was to come out ahead in the presidential election race. And then on the other side of the partisan divide, the masses were being programmed to accept a Biden win as a foregone conclusion, with the media continuously flashing poll after poll in front of audiences indicating Biden was the supposed front-runner and anticipated winner going into Election Day. Those on the 'left' were being groomed to view any refusal by Trump to immediately concede as an attempted coup, while those on the 'right' were being programmed to view a Biden 'win' as an attempted coup via widespread election fraud. So even before the voting began, this presidential election was a recipe for disaster, or at least a recipe for chaos. And sure enough indeed, the planned chaos ensued.

When Biden was universally appointed the next US President by the establishment media even before the counting of votes in some states had been completed and before states had even begun certifying their votes, Trump and his supporters along with a host of independent researchers and observers saw right through the propaganda stunt, pointing to the mounting evidence of widespread fraud indicating the election was likely being stolen for Biden in a coordinated establishment operation. The establishment media insisted that Biden had won the vote legitimately, and that Trump's refusal to immediately concede amounted to a reckless act of subversion and attack on our 'democracy'. Millions of Americans could see right through the glaring media lie that there was 'no evidence of fraud', while millions were thoroughly sold on this deception, fully buying into the mainstream narrative that Trump was the most evil, and hated, dictator the country had ever seen, whose refusal to immediately concede was a sign he was staging a coup. Of course those on the other side saw what looked to them as an orchestrated attempt to steal the election as a coup from the other 'side'. The line had been drawn right down the middle of America, with each side fully convinced the other side was in the process of staging a coup, and neither side willing to back down. The predicted chaos had arrived, and the stage was now set for civil unrest.

"The chaos we’re witnessing was the plan all along," Jennifer Stefano said, regarding the Pennsylvania election chaos, in a piece for The Federalist entitled "How Pennsylvania Democrats Deliberately Stoked 2020 Election Chaos" This chaos was "carefully orchestrated by Pennsylvania Democrats, including the governor, party activists, and the state Supreme Court," she contends. Many other analysts and observers would agree, for it seems obvious now that all of this chaos was part of an extremely well planned and orchestrated effort.

Now anyone who dared question the integrity of the elections by making allegations of fraud was deemed to be a traitor to our 'democracy' who should be banned from ever holding government office, and indeed should not even be accepted into society according to supporters of the incoming Biden administration!

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Such rhetoric is obviously aimed at disenfranchising a good half of society or so - everyone who isn't a good, obedient establishment leftist, anyway. Such extremist talk was far from isolated and came spewing out of the establishment media and leftist think tanks in the days and weeks following the election, and indeed a consortium of over 50 "left wing organizations" were, as of early September, already busy 'gearing up for massive civil unrest' should Trump contest a Biden win, their own predicted outcome which just so happened to play out in real life.

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An association of left-wing organizations is currently planning out strategies for what they believe would be a political dogfight should Joe Biden win November's election by a small margin.
According to the Daily Beast, members of the group held a Zoom call last week in which they discussed how they can plan for Election Day and then coordinate large-scale civil disobedience and what one participant called "mass public unrest" if – as they predict – President Trump and his supporters contest November's election results.

"It is very obvious that Trump is laying the groundwork for claiming victory no matter what,” said MoveOn executive director Rahna Epting, who participated in the call.

Those on the polar opposite side of the political spectrum had also been gearing up for post-election violence should the same predicted outcome materialize, that is a close Biden win contested by the President and a large number of Americans who also believe the outcome to be fraudulent.

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Stewart Rhodes was living his vision of the future. On television, American cities were burning, while on the internet, rumors warned that antifa bands were coming to terrorize the suburbs. Rhodes was driving around South Texas, getting ready for them. He answered his phone. “Let’s not fuck around,” he said. “We’ve descended into civil war.”

So you've got both the 'right'- and 'left'-wing media accusing 'radicals' on the other side of the political spectrum of preparing for a violent post-election confrontation, with people all across the country, along with the media, openly talking about the prospect of election-related unrest and a potential civil war to follow.

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And whether or not it resulted from the MSM predictive programming or not, a September poll revealed that over half of Americans did in fact believe the country was 'on the verge of civil war' heading into the elections.

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A majority of Americans are bracing for the possibility of a politically-fired civil war, and more than half are already stockpiling food and other essential items to survive and fight back, according to a new survey shared with Secrets.

In the survey, 61% said that the United States is nearing a second civil war, including a shocking 41% who “strongly agree” with that assessment.

And 52% are so convinced that it is just around the corner, or after Election Day, that they are putting away food and other essentials, an historic expansion of the prepper movement that has been brewing for years, now driven by fear and coronavirus-induced shortages.

“This is the single most frightening poll result I’ve ever been associated with,” said Rich Thau, president of one of the three firms who conducted the survey. These survey results are believable given the polarized state of the nation following months of 'pandemic' measures and restrictions destroying the economy and disrupting countless lives on top of the recent summer months fraught with civil unrest, rioting and looting carried out almost exclusively by radical leftist mobs. Looking back, it almost appears as if the BLM and Antifa 'peaceful protests' over the summer were a mere preparation for coming planned large-scale actions following the election, if a scenario such as Trump receiving a second term were to play out.

And while immediate widespread post-election violence was minimal, the comparisons of our current American situation to the first American civil war were certainly present, and talk of an American coup-in-process quickly became the new norm, for those on both sides of the deepening divide. A London Guardian headline spoke of Trump "paving the way for a 'virtual Confederacy'," while a Project Syndicate headline printed atop a Confederate flag read, "The Lost Cause of the Trumpocracy".

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While many of those contesting the election results obviously see the situation as an attempted Biden coup carried out by the establishment, only pieces declaring Trump's efforts to legally contest the election results to be a coup seemed to be published by the mainstream media, and such headlines would abound.

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When the media declared Joe Biden to be the presidential election winner at the end of a long week of drawn out vote counting and anticipation, crowds of never-Trumpers took to the streets to celebrate while Trump and his supporters and a host of independent observers declared these results to be fraudulent. 'No evidence of fraud' was the establishment battle cry, and Trump was viciously attacked for daring to contest the results and refuse to concede until the constitutional election process has been completed. Trump is a fascist dictator, a monster whose four-year occupation of this country has drawn to an end, and his refusal to immediately concede (despite there being numerous reports, indications and mounting evidence of widespread fraud) is an overt attack on democracy, the media told us all, amounting to nothing more than a childlike temper tantrum, Trump-style. This contesting of the election results through legal means and refusal to concede until the constitutional election process had been completed was painted as some sort of radical act of lunacy by the evil Orange Man dictator. Media pundits and leftists all around conveniently forgot or forgot to mention that Joe Biden himself had been given direction by Hillary Clinton to take the very same hardline stance should Trump come out ahead, who said that "Biden should not concede under any circumstances."

“Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually, I do believe he will win if we don’t give an inch and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is,” Clinton told former aide Jennifer Palmieri on Showtime’s “The Circus.” Much like Trump warned that the democrats were planning to steal the election with illegal votes, Clinton spoke of a republican conspiracy to sabotage the election, going on to say that "we've got to have a massive legal operation," the very thing Trump has been repeatedly lambasted for initiating in the wake of the election. Both sides accused the other of plotting to steal the election beforehand, both were prepared to contest the results and wage massive legal battles, as a chaotic outcome was always the plan. But only Trump is daily disparaged for actually doing what Hillary pushed Biden do if he was currently in Trump's shoes as the official loser right now. This biased media coverage obviously has Trump fans and independent voters (and non-voters) feeling very disenfranchised by an obviously corrupt system. The divide between 'left' and 'right' is becoming more and more impossible to bridge, but this divide is really not between democrats and republicans at all.

The two sides, although far from truly being formed by a split straight down the middle of the country between democrats and republicans (as the media would have us believe), have become irreconcilably divided into two major camps in recent months, which appear to be at polar opposite sides of the political spectrum. And now, this divide has become to great to bridge. On the one side are those who blindly believe the fakestream media narrative, those in full support of the establishment; and on the other side are those who know the media to be made up of inherently corrupt liars, who value freedom and independent thought, and are generally anti-establishment. On the surface this split does appear to be between the 'left' and the 'right' - with half of Americans die-hard republicans who love Trump and the other half die-hard democrats who think that even the deranged and dementia-stricken creeper, ol' Joe, is somehow better than the the most evil dictator in world history, Orange Man. Yet this split is far more realistically between the backers of the establishment and those who are truly anti-establishment, between those who can clearly see the mounting evidence of fraud and those who shut their eyes to it all and continue to religiously repeat the MSM mantra, 'No evidence of widespread fraud', those who believe the lying media and those who don't. Trump has recently gained the support of many anti-establishment folk with his fight to expose the election fraud, simply because the people are looking for anyone operating within the system to stand up to the establishment, and Trump is standing up to the establishment on this issue. A movement has formed around the President that is now about far more than just the support of one man, rallying under the #StopTheSteal name. Stop the Steal rallies have drawn large crowds all around the country, and while on the surface these gatherings may appear to be nothing more than a bunch of die-hard Trump supporters, they are in fact anti-establishment rallying points, as can be seen by anyone who listens to those speaking at these rallies. A movement has been born, and it will go on even after Biden assumes the office if Trump's efforts fail. This will ensure that no matter the outcome, the other 'side' will be ready to fight, neither side willing to accept the other's 'winner' as the rightful leader of the not so free world.

There are those living in constant fear of the invisible enemy 'virus', and those who can see that the 'pandemic' is a massive scam to steal our freedom and our country, those who want to force you to wear a mask and those who want the freedom to choose, and it is easy to see that Biden is the chosen puppet of those pushing the Orwellian Covid1984 agenda. So while the media will continue to push the left/right narrative, the real and much deeper divide lies far below the surface and has everything to do with one's support for or against the tyrannical establishment agenda to enslave all of humanity, currently being rolled out under the guise of the ongoing 'War on Covid19'.

And now, because of the staunch refusal to concede by Trump, the world has seen much of the evidence of fraud as lawsuits and hearings are held all across the country. This ensures that those backing Trump right now will not likely stop their fight if Trump loses his legal battles and Biden assumes office in January. Millions of Americans are convinced the election has been stolen from Trump and will not accept a Biden presidency. Meanwhile millions of Americans are also convinced Trump's fight to expose the fraud is nothing but a silly last-ditch coup-attempt by a deranged fascist dictator, because there is no such thing as election fraud in this country, and these will never accept a Trump presidency. So now whatever the outcome may be, the stage is set for civil war. I don't think I could have envisioned a better way to orchestrate a civil war if I had tried!

Watching the recent "Stop the Steal" rally in Georgia, I was surprised by just how fiercely the speakers, particularly Lin Wood, was pushing the kind of rhetoric that could easily lead to civil war. Numerous references to 1776, never backing down, never giving up the fight, the need for a revolution, and on and on and on with the very type of talk that does nothing but prepare people for a bitter fight to the death.

It's also quite obvious watching this rally that this "stop the steal" movement is not inherently republican, despite rallying around trump, but rather inherently anti-establishment, as evidenced by Lin Wood's call to abolish both the republican and democratic parties and do away with the entire corporate media complex. Lin Wood and Sidney Powell were both on fire as they attacked the inherent corruption of the establishment on so many levels, pointing to a number of truths that are way off limits for any elected politician who wants to keep their job. The one underlying theme I couldn't help but notice, however, was the use of language that clearly has no other purpose besides sowing the seeds of revolution. And while I do support a peaceful revolution, my only concern is that such rhetoric will only lead to violent confrontation in the current political climate in America right now. Whether or not that was the intent of the speakers, such rhetoric will only lead us closer to what now may be an unavoidable civil war on our horizon.

Opponents pointed to Trump's move to fire and replace his former Defense Secretary with a "loyalist" in the wake of the election, as signs a Trump coup was in the works, while supporters saw the move as part of his plan to fight back against an establishment hellbent on appointing Biden in his stead.

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If Trump planned to use the military in any way in his current fight to stay in office, stacking the leadership with loyalists would indeed be a wise move. And if those orchestrating this chaos truly intend to sink the US into full fledged civil war, one of the best ways to ensure this outcome would be to have a divide in the military, with some loyal to Trump and some loyal to Biden and the establishment.

There have in fact actually been calls in recent days for the imposition of martial law, with one group calling on the President to invoke martial law to hold a new election under the watch of the military while Trump is still in office. We the People Convention printed a full-page ad in the Washington Times calling on President Trump to be ready to declare limited martial law to hold a new and open election under the watch of the military as a last resort to avoid civil war, and is currently collecting signatures for their petition calling for a national re-vote. Interestingly, General Michael Flynn who was recently pardoned by Trump just tweeted out a link to this call for a re-vote accompanied by martial law.

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Sidney Powell who has been one of the loudest voices exposing the election fraud is General Flynn's lawyer, and General Flynn has many ties and connections inside the military, being the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).

Personally I don't see martial law as good 'solution' to the problem, but in light of a potential civil war on the horizon I do understand why some would see such an act as a viable last-ditch effort to maintain election integrity and stave off civil war at the same time. Of course if martial law was imposed in order to hold a re-vote, those on the 'left' would be up in arms, probably literally. Many on the one side are saying "Trump or war" while many on the other side are saying "Biden or war." I've seen it in the comment sections of numerous YouTube videos and elsewhere myself. No matter how this ends, it has been set up to lead to only one final destination: Civil War.

Now we've got headlines reporting that General Flynn first called for a coup, and is now calling on governors to "not certify these elections."

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Media is also reporting that the Trump nominee for assistant secretary of defense accused Biden of winning the election in a "coup."

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While those who see evidence of widespread voter fraud accuse Biden of winning in a 'coup', those who see these as merely baseless allegations of fraud continue to accuse the President of attempting a 'coup' simply for demanding audits of the vote.

Meanwhile the government message to the people, at least in California, is that you and I are not 'essential', while Hollywood for some reason is. People are having their restaurants shut down in the name of fighting a 'pandemic', while Hollywood stars are permitted to dine in exactly the same manner right across the street.

Shutting down churches while keeping strip clubs open and shutting down mom and pop stores while keeping big corporate chains open sends a very loud and clear message to the people: You are not 'essential', only corporate America is 'essential'. And soon, very soon if this type of tyranny continues, people are going to fight back.

If all of this is not a perfect recipe for civil war, I don't know what is. Maybe this intended outcome can be averted, but it seems less and less likely by the day, with the way things are going. And if this is the way it continues to go, those of us who survive will look back on 2020 as the year the media orchestrated a civil war. The only question that remains, then, is when will the shooting start?

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