P(l)andemic Poverty, A Real Pandemic: Economic Fallout Projection Says Up To 10% of Americans Will Soon Be Homeless


20-28 million more Americans projected to become homeless by the end of 2020, caused by the economic fallout of the pre-planned government shutdown of the economy in supposed response to ‘Covid19’; which would translate to over 9% of all Americans living on the street by the end of the year, nearly one in ten Americans without housing come this fall.

While all eyes have been fixated on the coronavirus pandemic that never was, a truly far more dangerous pandemic has been unfolding right in front of our eyes, and that pandemic is poverty. Poverty had already become a fast spreading epidemic across the nation before the coronavirus scamdemic hijacked human consciousness, but is now exploding faster than ever before. ‘Covid19’ is beginning to look like a finale in America’s decades-long war on the poor and eradication of the so-called middle class.

Watch some great World Alternative Media coverage on this recent story taking a look at just a little of the coming fallout from the economic terrorism waged by the government and corporate oligarchs against the American public in the name of health and safety.

No, it’s not any virus that is causing the upturn in evictions and foreclosures and increasingly apparent economic disparity in America, but rather the government-imposed economic shutdown, which was planned months before the so-called pandemic ever materialized, as has been admitted by both a Federal Reserve chairman and even the President himself. Plus more evidence is available showing just how far in advance of the obvious plandemic the government response was actually planned.

A full year before the so-called virus was supposedly first discovered, the $6.2 trillion ‘stimulus’ CARES act was already written and introduced to the congressional record!!!


Now, almost one third of Americans can’t make housing payments for the month of July, and an expert in the field estimates between 20-28 million Americans are soon to be homeless due to the pre-planned government-imposed economic shutdown.


Emily Benfer is the chair of the American Bar Association’s Task Force Committee on Eviction and co-creator of the COVID-19 Housing Policy Scorecard with the Eviction Lab at Princeton University. In an interview with CNBC, Benfer explained that the current public health crisis will soon see tens of millions of people losing their homes in the coming weeks.

“We have never seen this extent of eviction in such a truncated amount of time in our history,” she said. “We can expect this to increase dramatically in the coming weeks and months, especially as the limited support and intervention measures that are in place start to expire.”

It was known from the beginning, as even admitted by Trump himself, that the negative impact on society caused by the economic repercussions of the government shutdowns would cause massive amounts of poverty, suffering and even death across the country. The virus itself has caused very little real damage, the total deaths hardly even amounting to a drop in the bucket of total daily deaths around the world; but the damage caused by the government and corporate response to the so-called pandemic is the real pandemic, which we are only now beginning to see the first visible signs of. The full extent of all this madness may not be fully visible for months to come.

The bankers will of course benefit greatly by such a high rise in housing payment defaults, which was undoubtedly part of the plan from the beginning as many could see all along, for it was the banks behind the economic shutdown to begin with. The bankers will profit in the very same way they did during the 2008 crash, but on a far larger scale.

As renters and so-called homeowners alike default on payments, countless evictions and foreclosures will ensue. And as millions of Americans are thus thrown out of their homes and onto the streets, the bankers will make off like bandits, having already pocketed months upon months worth of payments and now being able to re-sell the homes at full price plus interest all over again. The bankers always come out way ahead, while the best the working class can ever hope for is to break even; and when the bankers play these games of theirs, a large number of the working class lose everything.

This 2020 scamdemic has seen the wealth of the ultra-rich elite surge more in such a short period of time than ever before in history, also seen in the record breaking 6.2 trillion dollar economic ‘stimulus’ package funneled almost exclusively to the corporate elite, while the poor get poorer and the so-called middle class is fully eradicated.

At the end of June, Statista reports the following on at least the second study documenting this unprecedented surge of wealth among the billionaire class in this country:

U.S. billionaires saw their wealth surge 20 percent since the start of the pandemic according to an analysis by the Institute for Policy Studies and Americans for Tax Fairness. Between March 18 and June 17, the total net worth of 643 American billionaires increased from $2.9 trillion to $3.5 trillion while a further 29 individuals joined the club. While their collective wealth grew by $584 billion, some 45.5 million Americans filed for unemployment.
The level of inequality across the U.S. was highlighted by the fact that total U.S. billionaire wealth increased by twice as much as the federal government paid out in one-time stimulus checks to 150 million Americans. Commenting on the report's findings, ATF's executive director Frank Clemente said that "this orgy of wealth shows how fundamentally flawed our economic system is" and that "if this pandemic reveals anything, it’s how unequal our society has become and how drastically it must change."

The virus was never truly a pandemic, but the measures implemented in response to it are causing a real pandemic of epic proportions. With one in ten Americans looking at a life on the streets in a matter of months, it is worth looking at how the government ‘solution’ to the very problem they themselves created worked out for the people.


We’ve seen this story before, and it plays out the same every time.

This time the ‘problem’ was the coronavirus pandemic, never even close to as bad as the media propaganda and government fear-mongering made it out to be. The reaction was of course media-induced fear and panic, leading to the government initiating a pre-planned economic shutdown which was blamed on the pandemic ‘problem’. Even now, they still call it a ‘coronavirus shutdown’ rather than a government shutdown, while in reality the coronavirus didn’t shut anything down but rather the government did. Then the government jumps in with a ‘solution’ to the problem they just created, but which is viewed as being caused by the virus. And this solution was the single largest spending bill ever passed in this country, $6.2 trillion in ‘coronavirus stimulus’.

What $6.2 trillion could have actually done to help people

The masses are suffering, due to loss of jobs and businesses due to the government shutdown, so the government comes along to ‘save the day’ with $6.2 trillion, except the same suffering masses only get a measly $1200 check, while the bulk of the money goes to stimulate the very same corporate entities which are already profiting like mad off the nonexistent pandemic. Now, one in ten Americans are looking at homelessness because the government ‘solution’ to the government caused problem didn’t solve a damn thing for them; it only made the rich richer and helped sell the scamdemic to public to keep them in fear even longer.

Now let’s just say the average monthly housing payment is around $2,400, which is probably a little low but will work just fine to illustrate the reality of the situation. Out of $6.2 trillion supposedly to ‘help’ this affected by the government shutdown, Trump sent $1,200 to each American, to half of the population, which at a monthly rate of $2,400 cost of housing is only half of one single housing payment.

Now if Trump had taken the full $6.2 trillion and divided it up equally amongst all of the total 300 million people in this country, both rich and poor, without giving any massively disproportionate handouts to his corporate buddies and funding towards totalitarian agendas, that would come out to over $20,000 per person. If it was evenly distributed just to the 150 million Americans who received the $1,200 checks, the poorest half of the nation, then each individual who got a mere $1,200 would have gotten something like a $41,000 check!

And at a $2,400 average monthly cost of housing, this would amount to a substantial 8.5-17 months worth of housing payments, as compared to the measly half month’s worth actually given as the supposed ‘solution’. Now that would have actually made a substantial difference towards warding off the impending housing crisis facing an entire third of the American public. This would at the very least have been capable of easily delaying the pending homelessness looming for nearly one in every ten Americans by at least several months, giving people far more time to get back on their feet financially.

As it is, what the government ‘solution’ to the problem they themselves caused actually did, is akin to a king responsible for causing a massive famine then tossing a few peanut shells to the starving peasant masses (the working class), while serving giant gourmet feasts to the well fed aristocrat gluttons (the corporate beneficiaries) who convinced him to cause the famine in the first place, and who were thus well prepared and entirely unaffected by it, and then proclaiming himself to be the peasant’s savior in their time of dire need!

This is exactly what has happened, the bankers make off like bandits and now a large number of these same peasants are set to soon find themselves on the streets without a home and many with no job either to the further profit of the bankers. To expect that any future government ‘solution’ to this coming problem of mass homelessness will be any better than the last such ‘solution’ is both ignorant and insane. If there is any way to reverse the tide and stop the spread of this poverty pandemic, it will not be found at the hands of those responsible for causing and perpetuating it.

More ‘un’Intended consequences of the insane, tyrannical response to the pandemic that never was

Mass evictions and foreclosures will just be one symptom of many among the vast number of negative repercussions likely on the way due to the tyrannical and nonsensical ‘Covid19’ response.

As poverty and homelessness increases, so too will hopelessness, depression, crime rates, drug abuse and suicide also rise dramatically.

The lowered immunity in millions caused by quarantines and stay-at-home orders and recommendations will cause a massive upturn in sickness across the country in the future. Many doctors have pointed this out, but are summarily ignored by the fakestream media and banned on social media platforms.

The negative repercussions of months-long mask-wearing mandates and recommendations will also eventually be seen, as there are most certainly negative side effects caused by such extended periods of daily oxygen deprivation, subjecting oneself to “unsafe” oxygen deprived working conditions all-day every day for months on end.

The consequences on the human psyche of forcing so much insanity upon humanity as a social norm are serious and detrimental to mental and emotional health, and will continue to be seen throughout society in ways we probably can’t even imagine, probably for years to come.

The intense state of immense perpetual fear instilled into so many will also cause mental, emotional and physical illnesses. Fear is one of the leading causes of chronic disease. So while many who have been living in constant fear of the the so-called virus may never actually come down with ‘Covid19’, let alone die from it, they may just end up stuck with a far more miserable chronic disease that eventually kills them instead.

Of course there is also the general loss of freedoms that continue in the name of ‘health and safety’, and so the continuing enslavement of humanity is also another major outcome of this pandemic of government/corporate insanity.

The coming mandatory ‘Covid19’ vaccine is already demonstrably causing numerous “severe” side effects in at least half of participants in initial clinical trials, but is nonetheless being hailed as completely ‘safe’ and ‘effective’ for widespread public use.

The list of repercussions of the rollout of this massive pre-planned agenda will go on and on, and in reality there is no way of knowing how long this list could be, as we have yet to see the full extent of the agenda, which has only just begun to be implemented.

One thing is certain, however, and that is that the government and corporate response to ‘Covid19’ has helped the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and the very real pandemic of poverty continues to spread with no end in sight, all by design.

Welcome to the new [ab]normal. If we ever hope to find real and lasting solutions to any of the many problems plaguing our world, we must stop continually looking to the very entities causing the problems as the source of viable solutions.

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