Masks work. They stop the [not so] deadly virus. If you don't wear one, you may inadvertently kill your grandma. That's what the fakestream media and their band of COVID 'experts' have been telling us for months now. Face coverings are so effective that they have been mandated in public in most states and many European countries. But now it turns out those pesky conspiracy theorists peddling those pesky medical studies that show no evidence of masks stopping transmission of virus, questioning how effective masks really are and talking about potential harms, weren't that crazy after all...
Now some doctors are tacitly admitting that wearing one mask isn't all that effective after all, as they begin recommending members of the public wear multiple masks for better efficacy. Following Dr. Fauci's recommendation that people double up on masks, CNBC correspondent Contessa Brewer went further, advocating for triple masking on live TV.
“The experts keep telling us that wearing masks is really about protecting ourselves — protecting others from ourselves in the event that we are contagious,” Brewer told Smith. “But, you know, if other people aren’t wearing their masks, or they’re wearing them improperly, we need to protect ourselves. So experts say you can double up with a tight-weave fabric mask for added protection.”
“Now, Virginia Tech researchers found that doubling up these cloth masks increases the efficacy from 50% to 75%,” she continued. “A three-layer mask could block up to 90% of the particles.”
- CurtisHouck
So all this time they've been mandating face coverings as the best way to 'stop the spread of the virus' and the damn masks were only 50% effective all along, is what they're really admitting to here! Of course it appears they knew this all along, as the same Dr. Fauci now recommending doubling up on masks is the same Dr. Fauci who said last March on 60 Minutes that there was absolutely “no reason for people to be walking around in a mask”:
The science never changed, only the official recommendations by health officials changed, as I've previously covered in detail.
But it gets crazier. If you think three masks is going overboard, just listen to Dr. Scott Segal who one-upped Brewer, advising NBC viewers to even wear four masks at once for the best protection!
“If you put three or four masks on, it’s going to filter better because it’s more layers of cloth,” Segal told NBC News.
However this advice to triple or even quadruple up on masks when you go out is warned against by another doctor advocating for double masks, Dr. Dave Hnita, who said in a CBSN interview that wearing two masks equals the protection of an N95 surgical mask.
“The reason for that is you do wind up getting more filtration of viral particles, it becomes more of an obstacle course for the viral particle to make its way from the air into your nose and throat and then into your lungs.”
But three masks may be going too far, since that could interfere with the ability to breathe.
As freethinkers like myself have been pointing out for months now, even wearing a single mask for extended periods of time has numerous health risks, top among them restriction of air flow leading to low blood oxygen levels, so obviously double, triple, and quadruple masking will only worsen this “unsafe” level of oxygen deprivation (according to OSHA guidelines on minimum oxygen levels for safe work environments). But such health issues aren’t stopping the 'experts' from attempting to one-up and outdo each other in their nonsensical recommendations to 'stop the spread of the virus'.
The insanity just keeps getting more and more insane, with CBS News reporting on January 28 that "research finds singing in some languages could spread Covid-19 more easily than others," while French health officials urge the public to refrain from talking on public transportation 'to stop virus spread'.
One wonders if the masses would still comply on the day these same 'experts' were to tell us the only way to stop the virus was to stop breathing. It seems only a matter of time now until that day is upon us...