The Social Dilemma Documentary: Covert Conspiracy


Image by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay


In the middle of the month, Netflix released a documentary on the dark side of social networks, titled The Social Media Dilemma. Although the subject is not original, if you consider recent documentaries such as «The Creepy Line» of 2018, or the series on artificial intelligence (AI) of the German news network DW in 2019, I am very suspicious at the moment, when the presidential elections in the USA are close.

What do documentaries have in common? Uncensored. It's suspicious when in recent years, dissident voices on social networks have been systematically persecuted with subtle tricks to silence them, claiming among many arguments the compliance with new legislation of the political blocs or for falling into some parameter of the speeches of hatred or intolerance.

Documentaries also share supposed objectivity in finding the truth. But how to distinguish the truth from the lie in an environment of misinformation? Even the least insightful will wonder, Why does Netflix, being a multinational entertainment company, show such a documentary?

My intention is not to rain on the wet about commenting on or evaluating the Netflix documentary itself. I think there are enough Influencers already doing the work, some in favor, and others, in against. The truth of the case is that both work, consciously or not, to achieve the same objective, dividing the population.

Something also evident is the propaganda about the benefits and threats that the advance of Artificial Intelligence implies. For the common-citizen, it means a lot of fear, seeing their privacy violated, and the danger of totally losing their already diminished freedoms due to COVID19. Now imagine if it occurs, the much dreaded Roko's Basilisk-style singularity. Ultron and Skynet will be monsters to scare children. It reminds me of another Netflix movie: I AM Mother.

The possibility of the existence of an artificial superintelligence, hive type, acting under its own moral and ethical conscience would have an unpredictable behavior for the human being. Perhaps behind the handling of publicity, a new god created by man is beginning to emerge. It's scary.

However, as they point out, connotatively between truths and lies, the documentaries, technology is neither good nor bad. It only does what the inventor or discoverer wants. As long as AI has ethical guidelines.

For corporations, technology is a way to earn money and influence at the service of the highest bidder, especially if they are under the orders of supra-political elites. It is also not much different for technology developers, who get money, power, and recognition for every piece of engineering or line of code that meets the needs of industry, supposedly in the service of society.

The worst of all is that I am convinced that with these commercials, I correct, documentaries, they execute predictive programming on a selected group of society doing the same thing they denounce. The ultimate goal is to cast doubt on everything that is disseminated on social networks to carry out domination over the growing mass of individuals, making them zombie citizens at the service of the masters of the world.

Listen to neo terms like surveillance capitalism, human futures market, molecular machines to match us with future androids, you are the product, only to name a few, it should be warning bells.

A few ago @krnel posted a series of topics related to truth and consciousness that are very interesting, and that in my opinion, frame the danger that our generation will inherit to future generations. Although documentaries have deliberate cognitive biases, there is a lot of lies among the truth they denounce. I'm not surprised that the lie sells six times more than the truth, according to MIT.

Be careful with what they consume on social networks, they can inoculate a ready-made reality.


See The Creepy Line Trailer

Artificial intelligence & algorithms: pros & cons | DW Documentary (AI documentary)

The Social Dilemma | Official Trailer | Netflix


Thoughts by @janaveda


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