Air Force Mishap has claimed over Eighty-Five people in Nigeria

Some mistakes are costly and can't be corrected especially when it has to do with human lives, some could take it to be an intentional act when it frequently repeat itself in many occasions, the same costly mistakes have been occuring over six years which has claimed am estimated number of four hundred and twenty-five innocent people between the period of 2017 and 2023. The frequent occurrence of accidental airstrikes could be attributed to lack of sophisticated equipment in monitoring or knowing exactly point to launch the bombs which aimed at attacking terrorists but often results in killing the innocent citizens. The 2017 Air Force Mishap reveal how over three three civilians were lost to accidental airstrikes.

Some women died holding their babies, some of the babies survived while others died along with their mothers

The recent accidental airstrikes which occurred in Kaduna state while launching an attack on terrorist groups has led to the killing of over Eighty-Five civilians. The state is located in the north-west mostly dominated by Muslims, sadly the accidental airstrikes happened during Muslim religious celebration. The bombing mishap which targeted terrorists and bandits who turned certain communities to their domains mistakenly killed a lot of people, the military drone released the bombs on the Muslim gathering resulting in injury
over sixty people.

The aircraft dropped a bomb at the venue, it destroyed and killed our people including women and children.
The second bomb was dropped on some of us who went to bring dead bodies of the victims of the first blast. We lost about 34 people in my family and we have 66 injured people in the hospital.


The Nigeria's military has been and still battling with armed criminals, terrorists and bandits over the years, these terrorists has made life unbearable for people in most of these villages, thousands have been kidnapped for ransom. In an attempt to have a community free of terrorists, armed criminals and bandits Nigerian military has carried out several operations.The wrong analysis and misinterpretation is what cause the killing of innocent when some troops carried out aerial patrol, seeing group of people, they mistook them to be bandits which makes the military drone to strike.

The Northwest Zonal Office has received details from the local authorities that 85 dead bodies have so far been buried while search is still ongoing, It is worthy of note that the casualties ranged from children, women and the elderly.


The past experiences has made people to accused Nigerian military of inexperience in battling with gangs which usually results in harming civilians. Meanwhile, not less than twenty fishermen were also killed accidentally when Nigerian jet fighter wanted to strike Boko Haram terrorist group camp otherwise known as jihadist in the northeast of Nigeria in 2021. It became very sad as whenever the attack is done on terrorist groups, great number of civilians would be affected.


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