RE: Are You Sub-conscious?

I have always tried to fight for what I believe and perceive to be right, but seeing how that just 1 individual here can quickly snuff out a collective of people and even that of Jarvie from peakd it makes it almost an impossible battle for me. That doesn't mean I have given up as I did take a little over a day away from everything just to gather my thoughts and get away from my emotions I was feeling at the time. Now that I have come to the conclusion that I have to take a stand and figure out strategic ways to go about things it still doesn't help knowing that it was just 2 of his accounts that I was aware of and this particular individual probably has several accounts that can easily silence me. I guess I can create a new username/alias, but that goes against my personal beliefs and I honestly don't feel I did anything wrong here but call out that gentleman's abuse of authority. No position you are in should allow you to treat someone as how he treated me. So how do I go against combatting such situations in your opinion?


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