Washington DC shows their hand at countering the freedom convoy.



Let's go Brandon and all of his little buddies are now completely and totally afraid of the United States trucker convoy demanding freedom so we have a bunch of garbage trucks and buses that they are now using to block parking garages and roads.

You can already tell the desperation of the ruling elites because they are so afraid of the common people these measures are being put into place and disrupting ordinary individuals lives even when the protest hasn't arrived.

And on top of it I have a feeling of this protest is going to do way more than the corrupt leads are doing to prevent it.

I have a feeling tactics are already being negotiated out and along with the ex-military soldiers and our veterans that have joined I am seeing the government losing control very easily and quickly.

Mind you the freedom convoy was originally started by the United States and multiple times the tech geniuses in Facebook have removed their group. Multiple attempts have been made to limit the spread and continuation of these protests.

And the reason why they do this is because of fear. They fear of common people they fear the ability of a nonviolent protest to affect change.

And in a minute we are looking at the current government freaking out and having to capitulate in the face of a bunch of blue collar menial workers...

This will be a tremendous blow for the world elite leaders. And a extremely dangerous situation when we have the common people refusing to obey.

Mind you this is a situation that has come up multiple times and the United States truckers fighting for freedom will not stop because of a couple of garbage trucks and buses.

And I would be very careful if I were the world elite leaders because quite a few of these truck drivers that they are employing to help prevent and stop this protest might end up joining it.

You have to be really careful these days because the best laid plans can be thwarted.

I am definitely excited to see how all this works out.

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