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Ukraine continues to cut into Russian lines.


Verbove is exploding with the Ukrainian military punching through the Russian front lines in very key places. As we continue to watch all of this happening we also hear that Ukraine is pledging a massive upcoming assault that is going to meet a lot of for progress. And the entire world has been eagerly awaiting news of this. As we are absolutely seeing a huge buildup of Ukrainian forces right above this pocket. Yep that's right at the same time we see the entire massed might of the Red army standing in front of the Ukrainian military and the Ukrainian force absolutely isn't backing down at all.

Then on top of it here pretty soon we're going to see m1 Abrams tanks showing up on the front lines as well so it does look like this entire situation is a huge train wreck for the Russian Red army. And it absolutely does not look like there is any hope for the Red army even with North Korea shipping over military supplies equipment and munitions.

As Ukrainian forces are expanding and really pushing forward we see Russian forces attempt to shift more manpower into this Gap at the expense of multiple Frontline areas. However with Ukrainian forces having the sheer technological advantage this is becoming a major problem for the Red army.

Then on top of it we've also got Belarusian Wagner group camps the disappearing. Yep that's right Wagner group does look like it is in the middle of being totally co-opted. Wish I had light imaging shows a lot of the camps are now vacant and empty.

Then the Chechen leader also has been dealing with his health issues. We continue to watch that entire situation with him being forced into going to Moscow for medical treatment. Apparently we're seeing him dealing with kidney problems and needing a kidney. Reportedly we're dealing with a rejected kidney so that's really going to suck. I wonder where they got the donor from? Most likely it was a Chinese Organ.

South Korea since a massive amount of d mining vehicles built on the previous generation of Korean tank frames. So basically you have one of the most legendary military tanks on the face of the planet being rebuilt into a demining platform.

Incredibly we're also hearing that they can't be remotely controlled to a distance of 5 km from front lines.. which brings a phenomenal amount of safety for the crew and operational personnel. In fact I think I might actually want to have a job running these kinds of equipment if I could drive it by remote control! I can only imagine how many years these kinds of vehicles are going to be needed to clear unexploded ordinance as well as land mines.

We're going to see a huge Ukrainian grain scandal involving Poland Romania and Slovakia. A bunch of European countries are kind of upset that Ukrainian agricultural products including grain is being allowed into the European Union without taxes or tariffs. And then there's also a big huge pile of worry over the fact Russia kicked itself out of the grain deal so some people are worried that Rush is going to retaliate and attack international civilian shipping that is transporting back and forth to Ukraine through the Black Sea. Of course we're also seeing some European countries closing their markets to European importation of Ukrainian agricultural products.

We're also seeing Russia printing 230,000 death certificates for their troops. This year. Incredibly we're looking at Russian estimates for military deaths being extremely close to what everybody's talking about...



Fears of Russian forces taking catastrophic damage to the repair facilities and the Russian submarine that was recently hit. Well we now have confirmation that this submarine is now a complete and total loss.

On top of that pixelated background absolutely 100% looks like it's going to be a massive combat lost to the entire repair facilities as well as complete and utter devastation there.

Trenches under thermobaric munitions attacks!

Incredibly brutal and effective weapons of war on the front lines. More information about how this weapon system works and the damages doing to the Ukrainian forces on the front line shows the reason why the Ukrainian military targets these weapon launchers before they even attack at all possible times.

Anything and everything that could even be covered with trees has been denuded and destroyed. It really jumps out that all Russian positions are really scorched Earth and hastily dug holes. I'm not exactly sure exactly what front line unit recorded this however it really doesn't look like there's much for defense fortifications and the amount of garbage suggests a little while of occupation before this entire situation occurs.

Then watching a American m 113 our personnel vehicle drive on top of a Russian anti-vehicle mine and miraculously survive of course LOL American military equipment has a massive amount of blast protection.

Russian TOS 1 can unleash its payload in a very brief amount of time. And anytime Ukrainian forces can get a hold of this weapon system it is highly advisable for it to be an immediate destruction priority. And they are. I can only imagine the life expectancy of the thermobaric munitions trained rocket artillery units. Being able to reach 6 km away means that they've got a pretty decent reach. Not only do you got thermobaric munitions but you've also got white phosphorus incinerary shells. Basically burning metal falling from the sky. And without adequate overhead protection these chunks of most likely white phosphorus burn right through the ceiling.

3rd separate assault battalion saves a comrade who is wounded during an artillery barrage.

Basically everything is destroyed and there are holes with rotting bodies and land is soaked in blood while the living fight desperately.

Luckily Russian artillery systems and indirect fire is more random than it is precise allowing Ukrainian forces a chance to be able to tend to the wounded.

The survivability of Ukrainian soldiers is actually extremely high!

Well that's very clear things happens to be that not only does this soldier have a GoPro but the medic also does as well.

There's going to be a massive amount of intelligence coming out of this as well as future generations are going to be able to find the missing dad as well. There's going to be a massive amount of information being extracted from this kind of video documentation of the conflict. As well as a lot of information about unexplored ordinance locations.

Russian borders only have 20% the personnel! Basically Russia has completely and totally stripped the Russian borders of border guards in an attempt to alleviate manpower problems on the front lines of the special military operations.

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