Hunter biden targeted finally for tax and gun crimes!/FBI is a political agency

The tip of the iceberg however the real issue happens to be the fact that the president's son has not been prosecuted or held accountable for corruption as well as tax crimes and evasion as well as drug and Firearms violations. The FBI has refused to take any action and really has proved how incompetent and biased they are. So now the entire iceberg is getting uncovered and the entire nation is demanding action as well as accountability not only for these crimes but also that law enforcement agency that has absolutely screwed up so many times and not held anybody accountable because they're related to the pedophile in Chief that lives in the White House and has dementia.

So watching all of former business associates and other whistleblowers coming out to challenge this situation and demand not only action but also actual charges and most likely prison time.

Best part of this entire situation would happen to be the fact that Hunter Biden's laptop and all of the crazy corruption charges that are waiting for a courtroom. And all of the Chinese communist connections within the Biden crime family.

Not only do we have President Biden's daughter basically admitting sexual abuse as well as all sorts of business associates coming out and other individuals and whistleblowers which is limiting any and all access that Biden crime family is going to have to escape repercussions with the public.

And it really looks like they're absolutely will not be anything done during this election cycle as this would be extremely damaging for the Democratic party as well as the president himself.

However it is my opinion that this entire situation needs to be dealt with immediately and for the good of the nation because no one is above the law especially the president's son.

And with the Republican push for charges against under Biden I am just going to imagine that after the election we absolutely are going to see phenomenal amounts of charges and accountability being directed at Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden was offered a massive opportunity with a phenomenal plea agreement however apparently the president's son believes that he is above and able to turn it down which actually could probably be the very worst mistake that he could ever have made. Because now this opens up the Avenue for further legal courtroom Jeopardy and this is also looking like it is definitely going to impact the present and his entire Administration.

Let alone the massive amount of influence pedaling and Corruption that Joe Biden is known for!!!

This is blatant corruption that needs to absolutely be addressed. The president himself as even bragged about this corruption and laughed about it openly which just means that further action needs to be taken and America needs to hold its elected officials to a higher standard that would be the reason why so many corruption and political laws were in place to dictate the behavior of our elected officials.

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