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Day 573. Verbove advance and reinforcement of the pocket.


Ukrainian advances are actually pretty modest. They are taking very specific units and areas on the front line. This is an absolute masterclass in military technology. And very carefully they are deconstructing the entire front lines as they rip through. There's only going to be a certain amount of defensive fortifications to peel apart until they are finally able to charge forward unmolested. And that's coming up very quickly especially with the continued success is the writing is on the wall. Absolutely we are going to see Ukrainian forces reach the sea and cut the entire Red army in half. As Ukrainian forces continue the very careful advancement the entire Russian Southern flank trembles in fear because if the Ukrainian forces continue this we absolutely are going to look at an entire stampede for safety!

Then on top of it we've also got the Armenia Azerbaijan situation reigniting and now that's going to be a bigger problem and destabilization for Russia as they had promised troops to put that entire conflict on lockdown. It does look like the Russian federation is absolutely losing control of geopolitical events. Not only are they on the verge of losing control of those oil fields but they're also in danger of losing the land route to Iran for military supplies and equipment. So far we haven't heard of any casualties from the Russian soldiers involved in the peacekeeping operations most likely because they are probably being shipped out or at ridiculously under strength numbers. There are some reports coming out saying that Russian forces are already starting to retreat from these areas which means that the Red army isn't powerful enough to stop what's going on.

Ukrainian war full Frontline update. ATT politics does an excellent job on breaking down the full Frontline moves and I absolutely also recommend his other videos as well for additional news and information.

President Biden makes an incoherent idiotic speech that was extremely pro ukraine. Well there were a couple of points that he was actually able to get out of his mouth without completely flubbing. He really did more damage to the international coalition to support ukraine. Absolutely we have seen that Ukrainian people being forced into a big huge scam as they're having to pay seven times the price for munitions and equipment. That is an absolute crime to screw over and overcharge the Ukrainian people. And then having the world's most corrupt leader endorsing Ukraine?.... Oh yeah creepy Joe the child sniffer absolutely does not help this situation and I can only imagine what damage he has done to himself personally again by being an idiot.

Has the vdv paratroopers been broken?

With Ukrainian forces being able to take two key strategic cities it does look like Russian forces are having a terrible time. The fact that these forces are taking catastrophic losses and continuing to be left on the front lines it is only a matter of time until we watch these units hit full combat ineffectiveness.

Russians are desperately counter-attacking is much as they can with 35 different counter-attacks being logged. However there is no significant Russian military gains and in fact there is just the continued retreat of red army forces from critical and key defensive positions.

And don't forget we've got 30 to 45 days of good weather for the fall offensive before the weather changes. At that point we will see what happens however it's going to be extremely miserable for the Red army this winter.

Ukrainian forces are cutting all the way to the Sea of Azov.

Frontline combat videos continue to highlight the brutality of this entire conflict as well as the entire Red army commitment to destroying the Ukrainian people. Watching Ukrainian forces evacuate wounded as well as medical treatment for the injured is a difficult thing to see even when you are all the way across the world.

As well we also see 120 mm tank shells being used against Russian military forces. The catastrophic destruction that these tanks are able to cause to the Russian front lines is a lot.

Russian propaganda hero exposes the lies of Russia.

Yep Russia says that they were able to destroy eight tanks by one hero. And then the hero goes out and tells the truth.

That's some big issues for the Russian forces too get proven to be liars once again. However it's definitely not surprising.

Ukrainian cluster munitions destroy Russian forces as they retreat.

Really bad news for the red army forces as continual fighting continues to displace the Red army. As they attempt to retreat continued cluster munition artillery hits absolutely wreak havoc.

I was Russia desperately tries to defend against the massive Ukrainian advance we see them throw the vital reserves into the fight and we will see if the Russian forces end up surviving. Most likely they are going to shatter and we're going to see the Ukrainian forces blow through and reach the Sea of Azov.

We see Ukrainian achievements are absolutely happening in strategic key areas which is resulting in a lot more further chances for continued successes.

Ukrainian precision strike wipes out Russian reinforcements.

The Red army just can't catch a break..

Russian forces are just continuing to throw massive amounts of counter attacks at trying to defend while the Ukrainian forces absolutely pound Russian positions.

Russian forces continue pushing forward through relentless fire just to take catastrophic amounts of casualties as Ukrainian forces continue to deny the Russian forces any ability to advance. Well occasionally we do see Russian forces get lucky and take a position or two, however Russian forces continually lose even more positions and territories as this entire conflict approaches the breaking of the Red army.

One of the big takeaways from this is that the Ukrainian forces are starting to pull in even more and larger reinforcements as well as units. Watching Ukrainian forces build a huge amount of military might in this area. As they are of the same time also smashing the front lines of the Red army and degrading the Frontline forces to the point where I am personally surprised that they are not completely and totally overwhelmed already.

Russian forces are now being spread across this entire front area and now there's no quick reaction force and reinforcements in case Ukrainian breakthroughs occur.

Russian forces absolutely are maxed out and there is no chance that we're going to see additional units being sent into this area unless the Red army strips every man in the Red army to immediately bolster this line and of course the Red army is doing it. Yep that's right the southern front looks like it's getting stripped of soldiers and we just might see the Russian strategic reserves being fully committed here very shortly.

We will see but it really doesn't look like Russian forces transferring over additional amounts of troops is going to balance out the front lines.

Fierce Frontline battles for control.

Ukraine is making major gains in the South front and the center front.

And oh boy are they.

And then we've also got reports that American made m1 Abrams tanks are about ready to hit the ground. With the overwhelming amount of military equipment and main battle tanks now being coordinated on the ground. Let's see how much more we can see the Red army taking before they finally completely collapse.

The Ukrainian president can explain all he wants however Ukrainian forces making clear and careful gains forward towards the Sea of the shows that they are in control. This Isn't another lightning advance, this isn't an uncontrollable military action. It isn't very fast however it is very capable and controlled. In fact the Russian forces are just retreating in smaller sections instead of the huge waves that we've seen in the past four massive Russian retreats! There is a massive amount of mines in these areas.

Breaching the front line defenses is an amazing thing. The fact that Ukrainian forces have breached and penetrated so far inside of the Russian front lines shows The testament too the power of the Ukrainian military.

And don't forget Ukraine doesn't have a Navy however it has sunk 20 warships and a submarine out of the Russian Black Sea fleet. So yeah that's quite another humiliation that I really don't think Russian forces are going to be able to survive. And it just might really upset the Russian trolls as well.

Russia must be broken up like Nazi Germany after world war ii. And absolutely I do believe that there is going to be a new treaty of Versailles that is going to go out. Especially the fact that sanctions will never be lifted until Russia hands over its nuclear stockpile. I can absolutely see future Russian people either assimilating into other countries and forgetting their past and erasing the connection. Or dealing with it like the German people do. Acceptance and contrition.

And then of course begging the leader of North Korea for ammunition and equipment is an extremely scary thought. Especially since the major part of this entire deal hinges on food as well as a little bit of military technology but the major issue for Korea happens to be access to Russian food. And we'll see if that food is a bunch of Cheetos and Western snacks because you know the corruption of the Communist party of North Korea knows no bounds. And yeah you didn't talk about all the Soviet goals and dreams that you want and as well as all of the Utopias however human nature finds a way to discriminate and consolidate whether it be through communism or despotism.

And don't forget rushes also logged the massive amount of dead in the recent conflicts and now we have the skyrocketing Russian body count that isn't slowing down at all.

Why are pro Russian trolls so invested.

Yep here is an interesting amount of opinion and let's check it out.

And this is absolutely legendary. I absolutely have to concur as my own trolls have been pro war crimes and oddly extremely offensive creeps. I'm sure that this common thread is actually a lot more app and closer to the truth then we would expect. LOL


I would absolutely have to add that my entire idea of these trolls is that they are some in cells as well as misfits and they definitely have incontinence problems and the inability to keep and hold an erection. Lol

Oh my God LOL this is the best thing in the world. And I absolutely have to agree with the analysis that we're looking at a bunch of tiny weenies that can't never get none and get really upset on the interwebs because they are aesthetic and powerless in their real life.

Oh snap.

It really sucks that my trolls can't get girlfriends or lose their virginity LOL.

Oh my God I'm dying of laughter lol.

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