Day 396 Bakhmut still refuses to fall.



With the massive amount of war dead we are looking at a huge amount of stray dogs eating themselves into obesity. Unfortunately this is a extremely real and valid fact of war. This picture of this extremely contented very stuffed puppy dog is actually pretty sad as if you really think about it this poor straight dog has had to gorge itself on Soviet soldiers for months on end.


Russian financial district arson.

Yep that's right the Russian financial district was attacked. And it seems like there isn't anything that can't catch fire. On top of all the rest of the infrastructure that we see burning.

And of course partisans working in Crimea are doing phenomenal amounts of work as well as somehow they are getting supplies of Ukrainian flags to be able to put up and flaunt.

Sweden Finland Denmark and a bunch of other countries just voted to completely unify current air defense systems and networks. This is going to unify and provide massive amounts of protection for these countries as well as radically saving a massive amount of defense funding.

We are also hearing that Belarus is violating its own laws in allowing Russian nuclear warheads to be stationed on its territory. However that really doesn't matter to the Russian.

Apparently we are also seeing a potential meeting with the dictator for life of the Chinese Communist party and ukraine. Quite possibly we could see the end of this entire conflict here pretty quick if that actually happens and the proper deal has been struck between world leaders we might actually see the first meeting between these two actually happen.

China is working very hard at setting up a meeting with a massive amount of Central Asian Soviet block states. Yep that's right trying to looks like they're working as hard as fast as they can to step Russia in the back and steal a bunch of these territories. With the amount of corruption lack of trust as well as the incredible amount of historical Russian oligarch networking it is most likely that we're going to see China getting scammed and screwed over.

Officially we've seen world war II era rocket artillery being shipped from St Petersburg to Ukraine. Making this the evolution of combat and actually more of a United States lend lease program from world war II. Basically what this means is if it actually gets fielded we are going to see 80-year-old United States lend lease equipment being used by the Red army on the battlefield making this the absolute ultimate humiliation not only is it nearly 100 years old but it is also from the super evil United states. However I really don't think that Russian forces are really going to care in a desperate bid to have some kind of weaponry hitting the front lines.

China to reportedly is finishing testing of the main battle tank the Armada t14. And of course news is coming out that the tank really isn't able to do anything that it says it is supposed to be capable of. As well as being poorly designed and highly prone to break down the weapon systems are subpar and even the Chinese laugh at them. I guess the Chinese are unable to reverse engineer a crappy unable to work version because of course they got it crappy unable to work version directly from russia. So via weapons design from the Soviet era we now know that there is a high chance nothing from the Soviet era will work properly. This scrap metal paper tiger is most famous for not even able to drive through a parade without breaking down.

Ukrainian forces targeted and infamous Russian commander. And also got him this individual was responsible for a huge uncirclement of Ukrainian forces in 2014 and now pay back has been issued.

Apparently Wagner group private military contractors are following into line and I do believe that the leadership might actually start behaving itself and stop embarrassing the kremlin. Yep pretty rude for these rent a cops and rent a soldiers to finally be bullied into grudging military acceptance.

Incredibly Russian news propaganda films Russian self-propelled artillery system getting hit. Absolute total destruction on this extremely vital piece of equipment and it was all captured on video. Brushing soldiers refusing to displace. Luckily nobody was killed and apparently it was able to drive off however you're seeing an extremely distinct need for a massive amount of technicians and Craftsman.

A bunch of Russian soldiers decided to once again take two cell phone videos and complain about conditions. Unfortunately those complaints really aren't going to help.


The amount of Ukrainian forces going into establish positions and reinforce the front lines against the Red army. This has completely and totally closed off any chance for the Red army to in circle the city. However it is an excellent opportunity for the Ukrainian units in this area to devastate the Russian Red army.

Terra ops

Drone observers working in conjunction with krab 155 mm artillery systems. Basically the best you could say about this is that the integration we see on these front lines is changing the entire face of conflict today.

It is really cool how they are able to show not only the infiltration but also the operations and exfiltration. Basically the entire operation gets documented.

Incredibly we actually see Ukrainian drone operators specifically Target Red army drone operators as the most dangerous adversary they face.

Then on top of it we also see integrations with aviation assets. The Soviet flying tanks AKA mig 8 weapons platform.

The fact that we are seeing such incredibly efficient and integrated combat strategies from the Ukrainian forces just means that we're going to watch this entire conflict come to a dramatic resolution.

Ukrainian forces set up an ambush which absolutely wrecks the Red army advancing forces.

Unfortunately for the Red army Ukrainian forces are constantly rotating troops off of the front line and continuing to relieve the hard-pressed Frontline units.

Ukrainian forces are absolutely destroying Russian positions and turning the tables. We're actually hearing about Ukrainian combined armored assault brigades making massive attacks and clearing out huge stretches of a vital highway to the north of bakhmut.

Ukrainian forces need to supply the front line fighting units and it is reported that you're going to see daredevils driving 140 km an hour in an attempt to evade Red army artillery interdiction.

Incremental gains are being reported with Russian units desperately trying to isolate and cut off small sections and gradually move forward however we are looking at a lot of resistance by the Ukrainian Frontline forces.

Once again the integration with drones and artillery is brought up and highlighted.

And my promotion tag line!

Budo brothers!


I'd definitely like to promote them. They are sending me a pair of these sticks. So in return I'd love to promote them here on the blockchain. Cool gear and martial arts videos that are phenomenal. and they are coming to our Blockchain ecosystem this year!

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