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Day 355, 138,340 KIA Red army massacres itself.


Three tanks, 4 armored personnel carriers and three artillery systems hit today. So actually a pretty eventful day.

Only 560 soldiers perishing from the red army. Which actually is a marked reduction.

However no more missile or drone swarms again. And it must be because Russian military stocks of these items are starting to hit supercritical levels.


Russian military offenses actually start kicking up in this area. It's been a little while since we've seen fighting happen over here after the mass of penetration and the single line of control which was most famous for failing and allowing the massive thunder run of mobile forces to exploit the Russian mistake in its front line battle formation. Which then allowed Ukrainian forces to enter in and retake massive amounts of territory before having to pause and allow the logistical supply network to catch up.


In this area we are looking at about half of the Russian combat losses coming from this territory alone. Making this probably the most lethal area for the Red army to try to access. However it's a good thing that the Wagner group private military contractors are throwing away all of the Russian prisoners. An excellent use of your justice system. Don't forget the prisoners that actually do survive the 6 month tour either are forced to rejoin combat or be jailed because Russian courts do not recognize private military contracting tours of duty as adequate rehabilitation. And I can absolutely see because why would you want to allow somebody back into society that could commit horrific crimes and then 6 months later do it all over again.

Regular attempts to invade the city have only continued stacking up a phenomenal amount of losses.


Since mobile combat has ended up failing again Russia has switched over to human wave attacks once again. Of course modern warfare wasn't working so the incremental gain system at the same time losing massive amounts of soldiers seems to be the strategy that the Red army has chosen at this time. Although we will see how far that gets the force is fighting here in the area as every Russian offensive in this sector gets shut down. Or spanked. We have here a few reports of some serious spankings with Ukrainian forces conducting operations nearly unopposed in this area. And quite literally you can see all of the successes here in this section which are actually quite a bit. Watching the massive amount of military equipment destruction as well as real-time bombing damage assessment being published daily.

In this area Russian forces have lost 31 some odd vehicles which now is going to massively impact future military operations in this area with any equipment that has been issued and transported to who the Red army Frontline is now destroyed.


Russia is working on attempting to fortify the Crimean peninsula as well as sending in a bunch of concrete pill boxes. I'm not exactly sure how this is supposed to help protect the Red army during its massive retreat through this territory as well as death funnel. I really don't see the Crimean bridge lasting for very long and if that goes out we're going to have to watch an incredible amount of red army forces being forced into surrender or starved into submission like with Soviet Union starved the Ukraine into submission and then stole a massive amount of land. Yeah that would be right if you want to actually look at history. However the Crimean peninsula might not be battlefield that Russia really wants it to be.

Unfortunately the pill box is being sent to the front are substandard quality as well as providing limited fields of fire and forcing multiple of these pill boxes to cover each other protecting each other's blind spots. And they are also not very thick which would result in a massive amount of casualties ensuing. And then on top of that they can't move anywhere which makes them a fixed Target which a drone can simply land on top of it and then record the GPS coordinates for an artillery strike.

Crimean bridge!

6 months of repairs and now we see fresh asphalt being laid down on the damaged roadway section. And it sure would be a shame if it was recently declared within the scope of military operations. I actually think that Russia is going to get a further strike against this bridge again by the stealth drone boats Ukrainian forces have been building.

Leopard 1 tanks

Ukrainian forces are going to be receiving a massive amount of these old school leopard one tanks however the technology that they do possess happens to be able to gyroscopically compensate the barrel to hold zero while the tank travels. Making this an ideal tank killer. It really looks like the brutality of this weapon system is going to be realized in the Ukrainian war.

Incredibly we start seeing top notch morale videos coming out of Ukrainian forces judging different artillery crews hitting targets. Massive amounts of positive morale is being exhibited by the Ukrainian forces meanwhile there is definitely no celebration on the Red army side of this conflict. We see a lot of complaining whining about assignments and being forced into human wave attacks by the Red army as well as also complaints about a lack of ammunition.

Speak the truth and America warns of serious escalation. I'm not exactly sure how this entire situation can be escalated anymore other than starting to use nuclear weapons. Russian forces have kind of expose themselves after expending all of this military might on the battlefield. Don't forget at the beginning of this entire conflict Russian forces knew that long-term operations absolutely was not sustainable.

Covering the entire United States UFO shoot Downs he did reference the Portland national guard f-15s that are right next to me that have been spun up and apparently were a part of all this. Large mystery.

Life expectancy on the Russian front lines is 4 hours. More leaked phone calls from the Russian Red army about how bad conditions are over there on the front lines.

Ukrainian flags will fly in crimea. Actually that is a very true statement. And the fact that Ukrainian forces can be able to back that up is also pretty amazing. With operational tempo already on the side of the Ukrainian forces we will just see how much this conflict really has changed.

Massacre of Russian forces during this next defensive. Also is the news that Russian forces are dumping a massive amount of water into the river along the southern front as to limit special forces operations from being conducted by the Ukrainian military officials down there. It absolutely sounds like things are really heating up in some pretty impressive fashions.

Continuing to see Russian forces making battlefield mistakes and paying extreme prices for that has now become a fact of life when you watch these different videos of the war. No longer is this war in favor of the red army. In fact this were absolutely is in favor of the Ukrainian soldiers and the massive amount of coordination that they are able to have between all of their military assets.

Wagner group says that everything within 50 miles of Bakhmut. And all military operations and successes happen to be because of his military contracting group.

However video of Ukrainian heavy weapons and armored vehicles working in coordination to strike advancing Russian troops sends chills down my spine. Personally after learning NATO tactics communication and coordination as well as getting the proper military equipment we are watching the meat grinder of war sucking in the red army. Absolutely all of the information gained from this conflict is getting directly shipped back to the military industrial complex to improve and make additional quality munitions for the front lines of the next war. And I still say that Russian military has lost this entire conflict as well as endangered the entire country of Russia because most likely we're going to see China take the eastern half of russia.

Russian offensive has already been launched.

And yet the entire world sees the failure of this offensive in some pretty horrific ways with the massacre of Russian Red army soldiers occurring currently.


Russian attack looks like it is failing, Belarus might enter the war.

Right off the bat we are watching different Russian offensives being picked apart and dismantled. Quality coordination as well as precision Western munitions allows artillery to pinpoint Russian movements. The Red army gets bled.

We have a phenomenal amount of videos coming out which are showing Russian forces getting hit from all directions and as well as the infantry are getting massacred. Precision artillery strikes as well as drone harassment and then on top of it you've also got Ukrainian reconnaissance forces sneaking around which also of course are getting fed intelligence as to what they're up against as well as the terrain and even numericals superiority. Watching these continued operations go down in real time with drone OverWatch service makes me just happy that I'm not involved in this conflict. Or at least that I'm not involved in this conflict on the Red army side. At this point survivability for Ukrainian forces is exponentially increasing. The more that Russian forces continue to suffer losses and combat degradation to all of its units the more that we watch this entire conflict Ensure a Ukrainian victory that will last in peace for a thousand years. Me as well as a lot of other people are really praying and hoping that peace will come soon as well as the opportunity and capability of Europe to rebuild Ukraine. Out of all of this Ukraine absolutely does deserve to have international aid and support in rebuilding. I can only imagine how amazing it will be to see a western Ukraine that is now proving itself a much needed Ally for the European union.

Russian propagandist sends young men to the front and then ships her son to london.

So in a weird twist of fate is this actually going to help stabilize the entire world by providing a actual hostage for the Western Nations as what kind of Insanity would occur from continued threats of nuclear attacks on London by Russia if they're sending kids over. Oh wait I have a feeling that what we are really seeing just might be even better than that.

As the Russian death toll mounts Biden travels to poland.

Let's check out what this has to offer for some news.

First off is a video of Wagner group private military contractors coming back from the nightly patrol and then as soon as they are about to relax get hit at their rally point. Instead of being able to get a nice night of sleep after being at the front lines all day long they got hit right as they came together. It looks like from now on Russian forces are only going to have to sleep in a dispersed fashion which really eliminates any possibility of heated barracks for the front lines on the Red army side.

It's starting to get termed as being an incredible massacre. Recently Ukrainian forces have had so much success that combat losses are approaching 90% in some units of the Red army. And multiple units have gotten reconstituted or just vanish as the survivors are handed over to any unit showing up at the front to continue the meat grinder. We do see a massive amount of specialists being put into human wave attacks as well as unsupported offensives.

Russian human wave attacks Make Way for more experience and consolidated Russian units with hopefully having the possibility for artillery support. Standard basic tactics start to show how much a smart military force could upset the Russian war machine. The fact that Russian forces are getting hit from all sides and taking catastrophic amounts of casualties with absolutely no let up really proves what this conflict is capable of. Incredible amounts of drone technology integrations as well as the rise of the Ukrainian military as an actual quality fighting force. It seems like this war is absolutely going to change Europe at its conclusion.

Poor quality soldiers as well as massive logistical issues and incredible amounts of equipment limitations. It seems like Russian forces are losing this war in any way they possibly can. From not training your soldiers at all, to buying cheap airsoft quality Frontline military combat equipment from China and issuing it out. Let us not forget about those pretend body armor plates that were tested and provide absolutely no ballistic protection for the Red army soldiers. How about the corruption of Frontline soldiers being extorted for access to the quality looted Western military protective equipment.

The truth about how badly Russia is screwing up and the acceleration of casualties as more Western munitions land on battlefield is coming out. Poor quality equipment and munitions as well as no support and no training is absolutely taking its tolls I don't care how much numbers you have in modern warfare. Proper application of military force at the correct military targets will make thread army fall and we continue watching exactly that on a daily basis.

Pedophile Joe Biden is going to go visit Poland. I'm not exactly sure why and this is really more of an embarrassment for our country rather than an actual win.

Beer is Morgan ends up having a Russian propagandist on his show and that was extremely embarrassing. I'm not sure if that was a specific ambush by Pierce Morgan but I really don't like that guy. Personally I think Pierce Morgan is a hypocrite and doing anything possible too recover his name after that amazing interview with Alex Jones that completely validated Infowars. Hahaha! The complete and total denial that the Ukrainian people are actually having a revitalization and reconnection with their past as well as creating a national identity that's been destroyed since the starvation of millions during the 1930s. The fear of that old communism will be uncovered as the greatest perpetrator of human Rights atrocities on the human race for the past 100 plus years? It is the skeleton in the closet and it is an event that will destroy the Russian federation.

And I'm gonna do the promotion tag line!

Budo brothers!


I'd definitely like to promote them. They are sending me a pair of these sticks. So in return I'd love to promote them here on the blockchain. Cool gear and martial arts videos that are phenomenal.