Day 340. Ukraine holds while Russia attacks.

Denys the Ukrainian pilot!


Ukrainian forces continue to give ground when it is needed. However we are seeing excellent surveillance and monitoring of the scene allowing Ukrainian military forces to pull back when needed.

Protecting larger territories is more of the Ukrainian strategy rather than wasting effort trying to oppose a numerically Superior force. Ukrainian forces backing off will prevent any kind of encirclement from happening. Re-drawing defensive positions and setting things up so that the defensive positions are set up.

Ukrainian forces are still waiting for that mass pile of equipment that is coming and continuing to hold fast to the front lines while giving territory for Russian losses.

Ukrainian is also reporting that it is now the world's most mind country far passing Iraq and Afghanistan.

Also Russian propaganda does bomb damage assessment for Ukrainian forces. Pay us precision missile took out a very vital and important railway bridge that ended up being featured on Russian propaganda. The fact that now the bridge is still standing however it's really tore up it is an interesting thought especially with the exact targeting placement of that round. And it sure would be a shame if the Ukrainian forces decided to launch another round at that Target however though that bridge is done for. I wouldn't want to cross it let alone stand on it like the Russian propaganda reporter is.

Russian forces prefer to use drains and rail lines as a logistics and capability is a lot easier than trying to use trucks and aviation let alone it is phenomenally cheaper. Kind of why militaries around the world rely on trains as the most efficient way to transport equipment overland.

Germany apparently is sending over a massive amount of reconnaissance drones for Ukraine to use. In fact the integration between Ukrainian drones and the combined assets they possess is pretty incredible. And absolutely inspiring. Watching Ukrainian forces getting even more capability and ability is phenomenal. Not only did they send out $125 drones but they also raised enough money to equip a big huge pile of teams. 14 vehicles as well as complete drone system units ready to go at the reserve is absolutely going to be amazing.

Abrams tanks delivery

Word is it's going to take a little while to ship over these tanks. In fact there should have been pre-existing plans in place to facilitate shipping these weapon systems over to Ukraine. Let alone also plans on supplying f-16s as well as all the rest of this equipment. However now it's in the middle of big huge conflict and the massive deployment of military aid worldwide needs to proceed a lot quicker than it has so far. Especially now the fact that Russian forces can't fight back and are barely able to maintain control over the front line. Other than the nuclear threat the entire world really isn't afraid of the Red army anymore.

Germany is sending over 78 tank transports which should start help facilitating the entire shifting of main battle tanks and armored assets to the front lines. Specialized equipment is needed to bear this weight let alone be able to drive on the freeways themselves. Decentralization of the supply line from railway lines and sneaking all of this equipment up to the front line is going to be pretty important. The fact that they are getting unloaded and driven into Ukraine individually maximizes the chance that Russian forces are unable to Target a group of tanks for destruction.

Combat veteran breakdown video.

Outside of soledar a town was taken. Is it a win for the Russian army or is it a curse.

Currently right now Russian forces are going pretty crazy with a large amount of operational momentum going with massive attacks going all the way across the front line.

Just to the west of recently contested City being lost or Russian forces continue working their way forward. However overextension of the front line especially along low-lying areas is a recipe for disaster. Two dimensional maps really don't show the totality of high ground as well as tactical placement for weapon systems using the terrain.


Wagner forces put out this incredibly powerful image of the front lines. And what it says is pretty incredible. Actually what it says is that Wagner group military mercenaries have an astounding assortment of non-typical military equipment. In fact it's a hodgepodge of different uniforms as well as equipment everything from USA digital camouflage to Ukrainian uniforms... It's like The dirty dozen got sent out with a bunch of hand-me-downs. Which is basically exactly what happened and I'm sure a lot of these survivors are not going to be able to survive for very much longer.

1968 steel helmets from the Russian military means that Wagner group forces have been issued equipment from the Cold war era stockpiles. Basically it looks like the private military contracting group is outfitted like a bunch of hobos instead of an actual professional fighting force.

The fact that Ukrainian forces have non-standard gear it's not surprising however the fact that Russian forces are having to commandeer equipment from either ancient stockpile sources or from battlefield captures.

On top of that you're also looking at the weapons being ak-74s with absolutely no optics at all. As well as looking like very ancient Cold war stocks. We're watching a bunch of hobos get shot up and advance under human wave attacks just to get a propaganda video.

Incredibly we've actually seen Russian forces get over the small little water hazard. The river that they pushed over definitely is an incredible water crossing that Russian forces survive. However I'm going to guess that it definitely was quite a bit of a problem for these forces to get all the way to the point where they could get a quick picture. Well it isn't good news we will see if Russian forces are going to be able to continue supplying Wagner group private military contractors on this side of the river before they have to tactically retreat. Just because Russian forces making advance really doesn't mean much with the amount of times they are taking thrown back and forced to retreat.

Apparently a little further south in Bakhmut Wagner group private military contracting forces were replaced by some of the best that is left in the red army. A highly motivated unit of Russian volunteers has been taking up combat operations in this area. However that highly motivated unit is taking phenomenal amounts of hits and continually getting thrown back.

Word coming out that Wagner group has sustained more than 4,000 killed in action as well as apparently a thousand wounded in action in this area is absolutely and totally incredible it's pretty amazing that you would see such a crazy amount of losses. And reports that Wagner group has continued to refuse to pick up it's dead and losses continues to go out to the entire world. If Wagner group refuses to bring home bodies of its dead contractors what really is the point of fighting with them.

Kherson drone operations

This is an interesting video showing that Russian forces are operating a little bit in the Dnipro river. And most likely they are now without transportation back and forth to the forward operating post. Not to mention now also being exposed as operating in this area. Ironically this is a special forces paradise. We've already seen Ukrainian special forces crossing this River and inflicting a huge attack as well as stealing phenomenal amounts of information.

Drone operations in this area is only going to continue going at an extreme tempo. We already know that Ukrainian forces have absolutely no problems getting to know each of the Red army positions in the area as well as all of this information is getting compiled.

Terra ops in bakhmut.

Incredibly you watch them pull up jump out and get to work. Conditions are actually awesome with only moderate wins however immediately you watch Ukrainian forces being able to Target the red army. Frontline assistance in understanding exactly where fighting is and what positions belong to who really clarified this conflict pretty quick. The fact that you watch these individuals working with multiple devices is pretty incredible and the fact that Ukrainian forces are digitally able to interlink and send each other pictures as well as the information shows in action some pretty evident truths.

Also you get to see some of the Red army close air support patrols and the fact that they have to stay super low to the ground for survivability is pretty apparent. And the fact that these aircraft are not over flying Ukrainian positions really speaks to the air dominance of the Ukrainian forces.

Then on top of it you watch them Target infantry. Making specific reports about each one of these locations as well as identifying the coordinates digitally and then sending them out for multidimensional weapon systems to eventually be destroyed. This is an extremely calm day at work however the work that they are doing is exceptionally important. The fact that Ukrainian forces can continue this work without fear of Russian electronic warfare system targeting their location actually is another extremely telling part of this conflict. Yep that's right the fact that you are watching them being freely able to operate against the Red army not only is incredible but it also shows how far this war has completely and totally progressed.

Red army artillery giving itself away by firing now just means that even if there wasn't counter battery radar operational just simply being able to see this and coordinate return fire.

The brutality of war is really highlighted in the fact that Russian artillery fire starts raining down into that area and then a child gets injured necessitating Ukrainian forces having to step in and provide medical assistance.

The drone crew kept working even with artillery strikes happening really close. Then being able to establish strikes on forward operating positions as well as uncovering a bunch of artillery positions from the Red army firing them off making them pretty easy to identify. As we were watching all this direction forces decided to shoot artillery on their own positions. Which doesn't really make much sense however not much that does happens to make sense. The fog of war apparently is extremely brutal on the Red army and I'm sure that this isn't the first or last time we'll see military positions getting hit by their own forces.

Himars strikes are pretty phenomenal and hitting railway supply Depot is definitely a military target. That's going to absolutely and completely disrupt a massive amount of strategy and logistics to the front line. That means Russian forces are going to be forced to supply more with aviation assets as well as trucks and buses. Russian forces losing out on using super efficient railways is just going to cause even more mayhem.

Bomb damage assessment of this area is extreme damage and complete inoperability for this rail station.

And I'm gonna do the promotion tag line!

Budo brothers!


I'd definitely like to promote them. They are sending me a pair of these sticks. So in return I'd love to promote them here on the blockchain. Cool gear and martial arts videos that are phenomenal. And it's an update that sticks landed and they are super awesome!

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