What If Russia Booby-Trapped The New Pipeline And Someone Moved The Bombs?

Here's a fancy conspiracy theory regarding the Nordstream pipeline explosions.

What if Russia had booby-trapped the new Baltic Pipeline going from Norway to Poland. NATO noticed this and then moved the bombs to the two Nordstream Pipelines. Fully confident that they would blow up the new pipelines, Russia then pushed the button and blew up its own pipelines.

I consider this scenario to be feasible for several reasons:

  • It's clear that with the Baltic Pipeline, Russia would lose a good part of its leverage over Germany and Western Europe.
  • Blowing up the Baltic Pipeline would have caused a similar degree of confusion about who the perpetrator may be.
  • Accepting the destruction of NATO-controlled pipelines would have meant war. It may be that the scenario we are in right now is the one where the goal is to prevent an escalation.
  • Instead of moving the bombs in their entirety, it is imaginable that NATO put similar bombs next to Nordstream and only moved the trigger to the new ones.
  • Since there were at least three explosions, but you only need one to destroy a pipeline, it may be that Russia booby-trapped several underwater pipelines that are not under its control.
  • All relevant actors have the capabilities to accomplish the necessary tasks involved.

What do you think of this? I know, it's a bit off, but isn't all a bit off right now?

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