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#4 Analyzing The Top Secret Document "Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars"

Link to the full document:

There is nothing new under the sun. Everything can be traced back to the City of London (by that, I mean banks, in general). Nowadays, Ukrainians are being blamed for the abnormally high prices of gasoline, diesel, electricity, and similar "commodities", but, is the Ukrainian resistance the actual culprit? Of course...NOT!

We are going through another economic-shock test. Their goal is not to empty our pockets, as many people think. No, this is not about money, rather, this is about the total control of the global population. Pharaohs won't stop, until each and every one of us is subdued. Periodt.

A fascinating phenomenon has been observed. Namely, there is a connection between headaches and high prices of gasoline (picture #2). Sounds funny, I know... Basically, "they" are not only monitoring our "spending habits", but also, the way we cope with so-called downswings. As it is stated in a document, some people feel a need to watch violent movies, while others tend to smoke cigarettes or drink beer.

What do they need to know our habits and responses for? Well, to create a (computer) program, (the auto pilot, so to speak). Well, what do they need the "program" (AI) for? The answer can be found in the 2nd picture: "bring about total control and subjugation of the public, through subversion of the public economy". We will be controlled by an auto-pilot. In previous parts of the analysis, we said what such systems require (5G & 6G + Blockchain).

By the way, do you remember Canada and truckers? Have you ever sensed that something is "off" about the whole protest? Pay close attention to what is written on the bottom of the first picture..."Not only the prices of commodities but also the availability of labor can be used as the means of shock testing. Labor strikes deliver excellent shock tests to an economy, especially in the critical service areas of trucking (transportation)".

Still believe in coincidences?

First things first, they need to wipe out our morale.., but, how? Through ads and news! Why does it matter? Because immorality and defeatism go hand in hand! Their relationship is symbiotic.

People are unaware of the power of spoken words, and imagery. The purpose of TV PROGRAMS is not to inform or entertain you but to PROGRAM you, that's why they're called "PROGRAMS". After approximately 15 minutes, an unconscious mind (mind which is unaware of the actual purpose of the news and ads) enters a trance, hypnosis, in which we tend to accept everything without questioning it, whatsoever. Here is a challenge for you: find 1 person that watches the news but is not "brainwashed".

On pages 31-35 of the document, you can find the full list of things they're monitoring and taking into account. I won't include them, 'cause there are many, instead, I'll name the few (seemingly) most important ones:

  • credit card purchases
  • surveillance of the mail
  • activities
  • psychiatric records and sexual preferences
  • methods of coping
  • beliefs (religion)

They're taking tests to extremes. For instance, even the type of automobile plays a role! On a national scale, they're paying strict attention to polls (surveys). (Hint: don't ever participate in polls, most of them are government espionage systems).

I'll end this part (#4) by mentioning their strategies, and naming the most commonly used: diversion. However, there are a few more strategies that have been implemented worldwide:

  • disintegrate families
  • the creation of the cashless society
  • minimize tax protests
  • destroyed faith in churches (A.K.A. a special form of government)
  • the collapse of currency (hyperinflation)

Basically, the Soviet Union was a playground for Boslehviks to discover responses of the people to the oppression, while the Weimar Republic was a test of the consequences of the hyperinflation.