RE: We need to become Sceptics | Those Who Claim Need to Provide Proof! Not the other way around!

I see your point but you've just justified fascism.

You use strong words... I have not affinity whatsoever with such thoughts; I just point out the reality.

I feel it is better to let humanity crash and burn, the only way we learn (and really learn) is through pain.

Hmmm, interesting. Such crash and burn could mean the overtacking of control by a few corporates driving the same what you call fascism. I dont think we want that to happen, do we? Next few decades we have to make sure technology will not be in the hands of a few, whatever form of economy will not be in the hands of a few, and with that control will not be in the hands of a few. Reality is that a few have all these knowledge and control already. In the fiat world. But certianly in the crypto world... the world that should be the driver of free societies, but in reality its taking as much power and money from all the rest. Ok, am a bit black/white with these statements, but am not far from the truth for a bunch of people moving around in crypto space. I tend to look at things positively, but from time to time reality hits and negative feelings about our future start to arrise.

That said, will fight for the good, honesty, continue to try to bring the message across as I try to do in my post, and continue to try to open the eyes of people who are too much followers. Hoepfully at one point in time we can have enough people around to be able to progress to more freedom :) Looking forward to that moment for sure :)

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