The History of the World

The History of the World is a history of us. A history of thought, philosophy, but also action, its part of us, after all it led to us.

If you permit me to review a bit, it is my understanding that there are two primary forces in the world, irrespective of the number of people and generations involved. One is a banking and slaving cartel, which has been based in various different regions. The other seems to be a divine inspiration of freedom and cooperation, it has also found its roots throughout time in different geographical places.

Many people associate the 'bad' part of this with what may be a continuous 'culture' including certain families at certain times throughout history. Most people do not try to associate the 'good' part of this with a continuous group, but seem much more scattered bits of inspiration throughout history, See then, when and now.

All credit to Pierre Beaudry material on universal principles.

So I found a book, the most interesting book, called THE HISTORY OF THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY by IDA M. TARBELL.

Its really good, written in what appears to be 1902, documenting the consolidation of the oil industry by Rockefeller. This guy interviewed primary living sources for the happenings from the pre-Civil War and Civil War period of the 1860's, though the Oil Wars of 1872 (which Rockefeller lost!) and I am still reading but I wanted to make a few comments today.


Here I think it is important, before we go about making judgements, to understand some definitions. Throughout the 1860's and 1870's, an independent capitalism fought back, participants who had with grit developed the use and distillation and marketing and transport and so much interesting innovation, really wanted to respect that open spirit of capitalism.

Corporatism is another thing, and I think this guy defines it best.


If you can't make it through that bottom paragraph, make sure you take the time to realize that, yes, our labels are all messed up. In my estimation it is often because of our failure to define our terms that our discursive power feels like its has been taken away from us.

Some of this may be intentional.

What amazes me, to speak of these issues in parallel, was that almost every step of the way (so far), Rockefeller was 'losing', but he was growing bigger at a bargain every time - doing things with stock that seem absolutely....FTX.


"If it is to be anybody, we propose it shall be [us]"

I will keep reading the book, the author is at once even-handed as he is revealing. Manipulating markets and consolidating power, it made sense all along the way. There were economic reasons to do it.

There were also PetroDollars in 1860's with tank certificates. There were wildcat banks and wildcat well-drillers.

I absolutely love the part about the teamsters (horse and wagon men), who were super important until pipelines were tested and railroad infrastructure improved, and then on their way out they became the first pipeline cutters and bombers in history. Part 1 of the Book is all about the tech boom aspect of this thing without even talking about Rockefeller and Standard Oil - highly recommended.

But what is the point for this article?

It's turtles all the way down folks. The only way out is to establish peaceful and independent alternative power bases. There is no way around it. Build (or Buidl) really is the only answer.

This is not a new image, and some of the symbolism is a little haphazard even according to the creator, but take a gander at this, Ask Yourself, "Are we the baddies?"

This power is entrenched deeper than any know. It is literally at the spiritual warfare level - and this has become apparent to astute observers for a while now - perhaps it always has been.


Its a conspiracy, and it always has been. Its not really even about that. We need to conspire! Let's conspire to make a better world, to plant more trees, let's conspire to build alternative power bases, hold corporation accountable, and restore Westphalian Geometrical Sovereignty to the world.


We need to come back around to defining our terms and speaking coherently - restore real dialogue. This dialogue has been transformed by technology so many times over the last 10 generations that 'restoration' might be a tricky verb to start with, how about 'normalize real dialogue'. But this I mean dialogue where we do not hide from these facts out of fear, but deal openly and forthrightly with our issues.

The point that I am trying to make is its not just now, its not just you and me. This is HISTORY, and we are part of it, and our decisions matter and our part in this chain is being built right now.

Let's keep building, with positive energy and a determined freedom mindset. With

Freedom and Friendship

we will make it through. I believe this.

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