Is it a Democracy? Nope. Is it a Democratic Republic? Nope. Is it a Republic? Technically... maybe.

Now we hear people talk about Democracy this and Democracy that. We don't live in a Democracy. This is a VERY good thing. True Democracy is nothing more than rule of the mob. So if the mob happens to be in favor of Cannibalism, cannibalism it is. If the mob is in favor of Pedophilia, then pedophilia it is. If the mob votes to steal your stuff. It is done and they say it is the law.


We don't want a democracy. Now if we had an amazing education where everyone is taught critical thinking to a very high degree of skill then it might be safe. Yet without that it simply enables a particularly gifted speaker or charismatic person to turn larger groups of people into extensions of themselves. Believe the things they say. Attack the targets they indicate. Crush the non-believers.

Then there is the concept of a Republic. You don't vote. Your representative for the region you live in votes and makes the rules. Now without elections of those represented this is no more than dressing up an Oligarchy and calling it something else. If you don't get to elect your representatives then it is an oligarchy. For those of you unfamiliar with the term. It is basically the same thing as a Dictatorship but more than one person gets to make the decisions. This is also essentially what the United Nations is. I know none of you have ever elected the person to represent you in that body. Yet they are dictating the rules for the people of the world. They are also grasping for more power through organizations that are spin offs of them like the World Health Organization (WHO).

If you stop and truly think rather than taking the easy path of simply letting someone else tell you what you should believe then you might realize this is not a very good thing. In fact, it is a bad thing. You know how they talk about the lords and ladies of the Middle Ages and the "Dark Ages"? They call that feudalism. That too is very similar in exercising of power to an oligarchy with one exception. It is dynastic with ruling families and bloodlines. Yet most oligarchies end up being similar to that in the long run.

So that brings us to the concept of a Democratic Republic. We still have people that represent us and make the decisions in governing. We simply get to choose them.

That sounds good. Government of We the People. As long as your representative represents you.

Enter the problem...

Are there only two types of people in this country? No. Okay, are there only three types of people? No. Okay, how about a dozen types of people? Still no.

So you're saying you can't just pick us up and drop us all in some nice labeled boxes saying "You are A", and "You are B" and call it good?

If you could then a Democratic Republic would end up with representatives of type A, and type B.

I contend that every region is unique in some way. If you are forcing it into box A or box B then that is not truly representative. At that point even if you did vote can it truly be considered a Democratic Republic?

I personally don't think it can.

Parties are a problem. They presume people can be cast into box A, B, C, etc.

Your representative if based upon such things will usually vote in lockstep with their "party". This is often not representative of the people they were elected to represent at all.

You may have heard George Washington's farewell address where he stated to "Avoid entangling alliances". He is thought to have been speaking about alliances with foreign entities and organizations. Trade and friendship was deemed okay, but agreeing to an alliance that forces the hand of our government in one way or another was to be avoided. Contrary to the opinion of some this was not isolationism. It was simply common sense and protecting the rights of we the people. Those rights should not be bypassed due to some alliance.

I doubt at that time he thought it was necessary as he was our first President but I think this statement applies internally as well to our representative. If you are going to truly represent the people that elected you then you cannot truly do that if you are forming alliances with others in the government and allowing those alliances to bypass properly representing those that elected you.

That's all I wanted to say...

Well one other thing that can't be said enough.

"Good ideas don't require force."

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