I'm going to try my hand at some hate speech...

I hate the label "hate speech".


I hate when something is called racism or racist when nothing racial is mentioned.

I hate people telling me how I must speak.

I hate the willfully ignorant. Those who admitted something was incorrect but they continue to push it anyway.

I hate censorship.

I hate the concept of microaggressions.

I hate the "words are violence" nonsense.

I hate the removal of statues regardless of what those statues are. If there was a statue of Hitler even though I consider him a vile person it would be a potent opportunity to educate and talk to people. Sure they could stick it in a box or in a basement, or in a museum and say "you can still talk about it" yet the POTENT reminder that the statue represented would be gone. Removal of these things is about promoting ignorance. Those who do not know the past are doomed to repeat it. What better way to make people ignorant about the past than to erase it, and attempt to replace it with whatever narrative you want them to believe?

Really it is difficult for me to write this because really there are very few things I hate.

I actually think most of the people accusing people of hate speech are projecting and end up being the most censorious and hateful people out there. They also tend to be where you need look if you truly want to easily find examples of racism, bigotry, misogyny, etc.

I don't have much more to say. I just had a strong need to VENT. That is what this post is about.

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