I really dislike hypocrisy...

I really dislike hypocrisy. I dislike it a lot. What is inspiring me to write this?


I will comment in comment sections. Do you realize that some of the people I hear talking about "Free speech" the most put an automatic hold on my comments before allowing them to appear? Often they will not appear.

It is strange because these are places that for the most part I tend to agree with them.

This happens to me on the Health Ranger / Mike Adams / Natural News sites.

They cannot allow anything that might challenge their message to get by.

Today I read the following comment:

If your comments here don't get removed at least weekly you are too sweet. The truth hurts but guess what people....it stands the test of time. WAKE UP and pay attention the world is going to HADES and FOX NEWS is paving the way for you RINO's.

I replied with something the along the lines. "You are lucky. My comments are put on immediate hold before they are allowed to appear. If they appear."

That of course never appeared and was put on hold.

That was in the following article:

Vaccinated blood is tainted blood, study finds

Now in reality which article it was in didn't matter. I had no intentions of commenting until I read that comment above. I was already very aware that I am censored on Mike Adam's platforms.

They are his sites. He can do what he want. Yet he is one of those very vocal about free speech. Like I said... I dislike hypocrisy a lot.

I am very close to a free speech absolutist.

How can we truly know our ideas are the best ones if challenges are hidden/concealed?

How can we judge people by the content of their character when aspects of their character we personally do not like are concealed?

If a person is a jerk and their words would reveal that how can you know if those words have been censored?

If a person is dangerous but their words have been censored you will have lost an important way to know they are dangerous...

I do realize Mike Adams may not be aware of this at all and it is actually being done by staff he hired. Such things happen.

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