Omicron cases are already falling, and the small peak of deaths is almost over - Time to end the Covid scam!

Let's look to brand new data from South Africa, where Omicron began, to tell us when hospitalizations and deaths will begin declining worldwide! After all, once those lagging indicators begin to recede, there's NOTHING left to justify lockdowns, restrictions, or mandates!

There have been 3 waves prior to omicron. Each wave saw cases higher than the last. The worst wave for deaths was the second, in January 2021.

But the omicron wave looks very different. The peak in cases isn't just higher than the others, it's narrower, a reflection of omicron's short incubation time. It infects and spreads very quickly, burning through all available potential carriers, and fades as quickly as it came.

Another very different aspect to omicron is the lapse between the cases peak and deaths peak:

Cases (using a 7 day moving average) peaked December 18th. Here we are 4 weeks later, and deaths are still rising! Deaths followed cases within 1-2 weeks in the previous waves, so after 4 weeks, they must be almost through it.

It's also noteworthy that South Africa's omicron wave has seen very few deaths compared to the previous 3 waves. Widespread infection but minimal serious illness? That means Covid is now endemic, which is very good news. It means not only that omicron can't hurt us, but also that Covid itself is no longer a threat to humanity (if it ever really was)!


The fact that omicron cases have peaked is becoming accepted now around the world. Now it's just a matter of observing the peak of deaths, which in some places has already happened.

We're supposed to be afraid of that anemic death count? Omicron has brought about the end of the pandemic, further lowering the rate of serious illness, and giving the world lasting natural immunity.

As for global cases, they appear to have peaked last week! Another big milestone the corporate media didn't bother to report on.

Here in Canada, we've definitely seen the peak of cases (probably about a week into the new year), and that is being admitted now in the media. As for the Canadian people, they're sick and tired of the Covid measures put in place by health officials. Protests are growing in size in response to threats by the government to fine unvaccinated citizens, and even resort to mandatory injections.

Our omicron death numbers look significantly worse than South Africa's:

Supposedly, Canada has a far better healthcare system than South Africa. And we have injected about 90% of our population with Pfizer and Modern's mRNA formulas... while South Africa has failed to vaccinate even 20% of their people. Assuming our data is legitimate (which is quite a stretch), there's only one official reason being offered for Canada's horrible ability to control omicron: mass vaccination has prevented us from getting herd immunity, like they achieved in South Africa!

That means if we had just ignored Covid from the beginning, and mopped up the dead bodies, we would have been FAR better off, in every possible way. Less deaths, less illness, less cost, less loss of freedom, and so on. We fucked up, huge. But there's no admission or apology coming from those responsible. If anything, they'll just feign ignorance.

And they aren't stopping! They're pushing onward, inciting hatred and violence against unvaccinated people, remaking the world to accept the beast system of technocratic enslavement.

Covid's over. Places like South Africa show us that even if the peak of omicron hospitalizations and deaths lags a few weeks behind the peak of cases, since cases peaked last week around most of the world, February should see hospitals clearing out and the pandemic dissipating. It's endemic - it will exist alongside humanity, the same as hundreds of other viruses. It's another source of "the common cold" which tests our immune systems from time to time. We have safe and reliable cures like cannabinoids and ivermectin, and the survival rate is more than 99.99% - even without treatment. Stop the media-driven fear, and end this Covid tyranny.


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