Officials drop the bomb: LESS THAN HALF "hospitalized with Covid" are being treated for it!

"We must mandate vaccines because Covid is collapsing the healthcare system" has been the narrative for months now, but BC's Covid figurehead doctor Bonnie Henry just admitted a majority of the reported danger never existed!

Official data reports the number in hospital WITH Covid, but until now, never the number in hospital FOR Covid. This distinction makes every difference in the world because to know if Covid is threatening healthcare, we have to know how many sick people are requiring limited services. Officials have purposely held back the smaller and more accurate number to keep fear ramped up, justifying 2 years of restrictions and mandates!

"The province appears to have reached peak numbers of patients in hospital with Covid" (and virtually all of them are the infectious-but-mild omicron variant), state media announced today. We're coming down after the 5th wave of illness here, with cases peaking a few weeks ago, and now serious illness (hospitalizations) dropping too. With it has come a change in the official narrative, which is collapsing day by day.

With =/= From

Yesterday, "BC changed its reporting strategy on hospitalizations. The numbers provided now include people admitted because of Covid, as well as those who tested positive after being admitted for other reasons."

They act like it's no big deal. This is something I have been screaming about from the mountaintops for the past 2 months! I must have wrote about the topic, which I call "the big pink elephant in the room", at least two dozen times. Now they just say "woops, let's report the more accurate number from now on"? They cancelled Christmas (for the 2nd year in a row) based on the number of hospital patients WITH Covid! They pushed mandates and passports and segregation based on the number WITH Covid! They justified injecting little children with spike protein generators, based on the number WITH Covid! And they cancelled thousands of important surgeries and procedures, leading to immeasurable suffering and deaths, based on the number WITH Covid! Don't tell me it doesn't matter!!

A review of charts for patients admitted since December 1 "showed that about 60% of people with Omicron had been admitted for other reasons." Since delta was still somewhat prevalent in December, I'd like to see brand new (omicron-only) data. Even using data that includes some delta, over 60% of patients (about 2 in 3) who were recorded as Covid hospitalizations actually had nothing to do with Covid! These asymptomatic people merely had incidental infections picked up on routine screening when admitted for surgery, baby delivery, etc.

The world has been turned upside down over the idea that healthcare systems were in danger from Covid patients. We now know most of the data generated to frighten us into accepting it was garbage, and data that could have calmed things was held back. Now, these same health officials just come out and drop bombs like this, one after the other. In the past week, we have seen these narrative-busting revelations:

Yet our prime minister insists mandates are necessary, and incited hatred against the Freedom Convoy of truckers who are shutting down the country until mandates are removed.

I think what Trudeau is infected with is Convoy-19. He says he's asymptomatic but I bet you he feels like he got hit by a truck.

There's a very simple solution - just do the right thing, and end all mandates. A mandate means you're being forced to do something you don't want to do. They're the opposite of a restriction, which is when you are stopped from doing what you want to do. Both are losses of freedom. We now know there's no danger of our healthcare system collapsing due to Covid. The only remaining excuse for mandates and restrictions is gone. Finland just joined the UK, Denmark, and Ireland in TOTALLY removing all Covid measures. It's time Canada did the same, before we're the last country on the planet still committing national suicide over a common cold.


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