Official data: Covid "Vaccines" DO NOT SAVE LIVES!

Brand new government figures confirm the mRNA injections don't reduce hospitalizations! "Pandemic of the unvaccinated" is a lie. For a while we've known the shots come with serious risks and don't prevent infection, but now it's official: they're 100% downside!

Note: These experimental shots come with many serious health problems, and are killing a large number of recipients, but let's set that aside for now. I'm only talking here about their purported positive effects, like blocking infection and reducing symptoms.

The data, and analysis

State media announced today that over the past 2 weeks, "people who were not fully vaccinated accounted for 31.2% of Covid hospitalizations".

But we now know many of those in hospital WITH Covid are not being treated FOR Covid. Officials recently admitted at least half of recorded Covid hospitalizations actually have nothing to do with Covid, and are not being treated for it. They would have been in hospital regardless, and their Covid symptoms are not taking up any resources!

Remove that half, and we have the portion of those not fully vaccinated who are hospitalized FOR Covid: well under 20%.

From the same article, "84.2% of those five and older have received their second dose of a Covid vaccine." That means about 16% of the population aren't fully vaccinated.

About 15 to 20% of the population has not been injected, and is causing about that portion of the Covid hospitalizations. Real-world evidence these "vaccines" do not reduce serious illness.

Many positive effects were promised, but the official results show these shots aren't working whatsoever. If you take them, you're not protecting yourself, you're not protecting others, and you're not protecting the healthcare system. In fact, you're harming yourself, risking others, and potentially putting additional strain on healthcare resources. How tragic that many took the shots to be responsible and support their community.

We can see that "vaccines" haven't prevented deaths, either:


  • Deaths have peaked for the omicron wave.
  • Rate of deaths hit the same level as in the previous 2 main waves (in 2020).
  • First wave was defeated without "vaccines" or masks.
  • Second wave was also defeated before the injections.
  • How did we beat those more-severe variants without the shots? Why haven't three rounds of shots prevented another large wave of deaths?

Answer: Because the "vaccines" aren't vaccines (they don't stop infection) and they aren't even therapeutics (they don't reduce illness).

What are they, then? They fill your body with spike proteins, which are the cause of all Covid illness. They are bioweapons. We are injecting mega doses of Covid every few months. The cure IS the disease.

These injections don't work - at all. 100% downside. No pros, all cons. We got swindled.

Officials admitted around Christmas that omicron is only a threat because we locked down and vaccinated!

Now we have the proof, because a few days ago Johns Hopkins University revealed lockdowns do more harm than good, and this latest data shows the same is true for the injections.

WHY aren't these health officials and their collaborators in prison yet?

The mRNA injections don't prevent Covid, but they do GIVE you Covid. And governments around the world are still trying to mandate them upon their people?! What do you call it when a state forces citizens to take toxic injections? Tyranny. That's why I support the Freedom Convoy, the Ottawa protest, and all the other rallies and actions being done right now to END ALL COVID MANDATES AND RESTRICTIONS!


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