RE: From 9/11 To Antifa

Accurate self description with those last two images.

Project Veritas has been caught in a lie or being obtusely misleading so many times that that there are multiple wikis and news articles written about them. Those are just a small handful of examples.

Your second article contradicts itself regarding what antifa even is, starting out with "The far-left group known as 'antifa'" then a little further down this

... Antifa is merely a brand for already existing communist and anarchist activists...

So which is it? Are they one group, or a bunch of groups using the same label?

Anyone that has even a smidgen of understanding of different political ideologies can tell you that communists, specifically those that sympathise with the USSR and other authoritarian regimes, are at constant odds with anarchists and would never work together in the same group.

As for the rest of the second article, it consists mostly of fear-mongering.

Here's some general advice which applies to any group, be it political, religious, or otherwise: Take a step back and think about how any potential enemies are being portrayed. Are they being portrayed in contradictory lights? They can't both be weaklings and a serious threat at the same time. If you're in a group that portrays an enemy in contradictory manners like that, you've been duped. This is a very common propaganda technique used in cults and authoritarian regimes alike.

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