RE: I'm going to try my hand at some hate speech...

But sometimes it is ok to be offended. Sometimes tearing down statues is ok, especially if they are of your oppressor. I'm sure that during the American Revolution, statues of King George were torn down. There's a giant statue of Lenin that was torn down in Berlin after the Berlin wall came down (though more recently his head was put back together).

And I doubt any statue of Hitler ever made said anything like you suggest so that would mean changing the statue. Changing a statue because it is offensive isn't all that different that removing it for the same reason. Statues are generally created to honor somebody, not necessarily to educate you about them beyond whatever it is they are being honored for. Removing a statue that honors somebody isn't quite the same as removing them from the history books.

Yes, people have gone way overboard with the whole statue removal thing but it's not like once a statue is created, humanity has to live with it forever. The trouble is that people don't seem to grasp that you can honor someone for something good they did without them being perfect.

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