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Resurrection Sunday

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I haven´t written in this community in quite a while but this following post is being formulated in my head as I try to go about my day, cutting grass, weeding, spreading manure..
It does not let go, it wants out.

Usually, even though I follow world events closely, I choose the passenger seat, as an observer rather than an influencer trying to impose an opinion.
but there is this urge to share my thoughts today, release them into the wind.


since I got up this morning, after a very good night sleep, I have been thinking that this coming Sunday, which happens to be resurrection Sunday, is going to be a big day for us all.

I have come to this conclusion by connecting dots and joining many "rumors" that circulate out there.

I never intended to make it a prophecy and I have no problem whatsoever to say I was wrong by Monday, April 10th.

following are several small signs that this coming Sunday is going to be a day many of us have been waiting for:
· it was said the EBS would be activated on a Sunday, when most people are home with family.
· a pre requisite for the above activation was the resident being removed. Trump being Indicted paves the way for this to happen. at the same time Biden was indicted in Florida. by appearing in court in Manhattan, Trump sent a clear message that he has nothing to hide. would Biden appear in court..?
· this being a spiritual war, what is more symbolic for the return of trump than Resurrection Sunday ?
· one source I follow confirms all is in place for this to happen ("Green Light. all signs say GO").
· what started in Israel yesterday, Thursday April 6th. is a major distraction effort and a desperate attempt to push fear and regain control. Israel never fails for them.
· both sides can no longer hide the approaching economic collapse. note that all important economic blows are transmitted to the public on weekends. also, the push for CBDC has now gone public and the FedNow (reminds me of Fentanyl..) is now openly discussed on the MSM, while QFS, Nesara etc. is still only talked about on alternative media.
· there is more and more disclosure of alternative health technologies that are capable of reversing the devastating effects of the bio weapon injectables

so, will this Resurrection Sunday be the first day of resurrection of humanity as a whole ?

I would love to hear your thoughts !

wishing us all a happy and peaceful Easter.

I am daily making the change I want to see in the world.
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