RE: Day 342 127,500 Russia continues nuclear weapons because they are losing.

Well it sounds like 400,000 soldiers need to be sacrificed in a tribute to how many Red army soldiers had perished taking a massive amount of Ukraine. And apparently this is now going to be the benchmark against what the Russian military says is appropriate for losses that the Red army can take. It looks like the lack of caring for the common Russian soldier and his well-being is shared by the far majority of Russian media personalities.

Just to take the Zaporizhzhia the Red army ended up losing 400,000 soldiers. So apparently the expectation is for Russian forces to be able to absorb and commit the same amount of casualties in this conflict as it did towards the conflict in world war II.

All the sudden on the news broadcast they had an idea that all Russian people could unite in this war with athletes scientists industrialist and everybody other than the politicians going to the front line and sacrificing themselves for the greater Russian federation good in human way of attacks. Because of course nothing shows loyalty to your government like senselessly wasting your life in a conflict that you didn't even start and that trapped the Red army for nearly an entire year.

Lololol the seething retard, hahahahahahaha, seethe!

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