RE: Day 342 127,500 Russia continues nuclear weapons because they are losing.

Three teenagers were arrested for sabotaging railway lines. In an incredible amount of news being reported from the Russian federation. The fact that you have the common people fighting Bob and trying to stop the war as well as mobilizations from happening in such dramatic ways is only a result of the anti-war oppression. Apparently according to the FSB State security spies they were recruited by the internet and most likely are going to be set up. Basically they got busted on telegram.

Lololol! The fairy tale 'ani-war oppression' and the irony of simping for the Ukranazi who made it illegal to protest against the war over 8 years ago and have charged hundreds of people or even thousands for speaking or demonstrating against the war, claiming they attacked the territorial integrity of Ukraine, and the list of disappeared protesters is in the thousands while the Ukranazi have a website dedicated to doxing anyone they can, even children and encouraging their murder, simply because they are against the war and sometimes, for even less. Simping idiots like yourself are the worst kind of hypocrites who simply parrot the empire without any critical thinking.

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