RE: Day 337. 123,860 KIA. Russia again begs for tactical nuclear weapons usage.

And apparently Russia is also getting really super scared because if NATO depleted uranium penetrator rounds are sold that are actually extremely lethal and incredibly capable, so apparently brushes trying to complain however obviously Russia has used a depleted uranium, which apparently in their eyes now means that if you couldn't even gets these weapon systems as well as high quality munitions that Russia is completely and totally justified in using nuclear weapons. Which is a massive stretch however I'm going to say this is just a continued temper tantrum by Russian State media and blatantly encouraging the entire idea of a nuclear war. I am sure that the continued temper tantrum is just going to infuriate the rest of the world and at the conclusion of this conflict even that different hosts have acknowledged they will be held accountable for the words and rhetoric they have used. And actually threatening to Nuke the entire rest of the world for multiple months and nearly an entire year? Yeah I could absolutely see why and how these individuals would worry about repercussions coming from their involvement.

LOLOL excellent moron reasoning.

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