RE: Day 335& 122,170 KIA, Tanks for Ukraine! Abrams is coming! Bradley's landed!

This is the beginning of the panic that we are going to see. And this panic is absolutely being exposed as the incredible event that we are going to see here in a few minutes. German tanks showing up on the battlefield is scary enough for the red army. The fact that German tanks are going to be joined by United States Abrams tanks is absolutely going to change the game. Watching the next offensive come up you can only expect to see some pretty decisive battles being decided just with this logistical supply. The fact that absolutely the entire world could afford to supply these tanks because Russia currently has massive financial assets that are being held by the international banking cartel this means that Ukrainian forces absolutely can afford this kind of high level military equipment.

And absolutely seeing Russia deploy it's top of the line electronic warfare as well as air defense systems the entire rest of the world has followed and given Ukrainian forces all sorts of equipment to counter this war fighting technology by the Russian federation. Which in return Ukraine has actually given absolutely priceless information as well as confirmation with wartime battlefield employing of these weapon systems. The fact that Russian forces are even allowing themselves to be a part of this conflict is pretty amazing and astounding. You would think that they know way better than to directly engage and give away the capabilities and abilities of the best equipment they have however now it is getting to the point where Russian forces have expanded everything they've got and the capabilities of their equipment really haven't materialized in any effective way shape or form. I mean why would you have to use human wave attacks against defensive positions if the Terminator armored personnel carriers were capable enough to break through the front lines. Which there has been no word about the incredible capability of that legendary feared Russian weapon system. It's like those weapon systems never got a chance to actually get deployed to the front lines and make any kind of meaningful difference because Russia is more afraid of other countries finding out about its design flaws and lack of capability and ease of destruction by quality NATO munitions. Sure would be a shame if that extremely expensive military equipment got destroyed by cheap Rock propelled grenades or anti-tank mines.

Lololol! The excitement over a proxy war fueled by the international banking cartel, aka WEF and NATO, to the last Ukranazi! Lolololololol!

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