RE: Day 332. No tanks for Ukraine! Bradley ifv to the front lines!

And s400 missile system apparently has been taken out by Ukrainian forces and it's just being confirmed making this the most important military industrial complex feedback for this weapon system in history. We're looking at a world's first having never seen this weapon system ever be challenged. I'm not exactly sure what kind of weapons delivery system was used to Target this however it's pretty incredible that we are seeing proof that this Russian federation weapon system has been overcome. A lot of questions remain about Russian high technology inventory and the uses. Once again we are seeing this equipment not being able to stand up with NATO weapon systems. We're not exactly sure which direction it was heading the time it was destroyed however the fact that it was caught in the open and on the move just means we are seeing real time satellite and drone reconnaissance intelligence being acted upon by Ukrainian forces.

It's unknown how many of these surface to air s400 weapon systems Russia has in its inventory however it is definitely not very much and it being deployed in 2007 means this is dated technology. We have an S500 weapon system however it is unknown how many of these are possessed by Russia at all.

100%, certainly, ghost of kivv took it out with the help of the 13 immortal heroes of snake island LOLOLOLOL!

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