RE: Venezuela and the territorial dispute over the Essequibo: Or, how a government uses mass manipulation to deflect attention

Venezuela and the territorial dispute over the Essequibo: Or, how a government uses mass manipulation to deflect attention

In your entire post, you never explain what it's deflecting attention from.

After reading through this garbage that has no point, and I dare you to explain what the point was but I have a sneaky suspicion you can't, and therefore won't, but regardless here's why it's garbage besides not having any thesis whatsoever,

Numerous articles in the press make it all very clear. The prosecutors investigating the multiple denunciations of acts that affect basic human rights by the Venezuelan government, added to the constant political disqualifications of the opposition and the deep institutional, economic and social crisis in the country with the largest proven oil reserves, generate a perfect environment to proliferate the sadistic, manipulative and militaristic idea of wanting to unite a whole country in the cause of the homeland.

But if the reader thought uniting a whole country in the cause of the homeland was a misnomer, they're sadly mistaken:

We have seen the experience in Chile, Argentina, Peru and Central America... Have we learned the lesson about "uniting" a country through force majeure? Absolutely not. And it is my duty, as a journalist and above all, as a Venezuelan, to shed light on the truth. Or at least, to its closest approximation. This does not favour or respond to Guyana's interests, but is a demonstration of a deeper reality. It is a use of logic, reasoning and a display of the spirit of this community. Which, in theory, promotes this type of research that you are not going to see in the mainstream media. Manipulation, dirty politics and diversion from what's important; that's what this is all about....

So the news somehow does their job at exposing the government

Numerous articles in the press make it all very clear. The prosecutors investigating the multiple denunciations of acts that affect basic human rights by the Venezuelan government

But now

Which, in theory, promotes this type of research that you are not going to see in the mainstream media. Manipulation, dirty politics and diversion from what's important; that's what this is all about....

But even worse:

Have we learned the lesson about "uniting" a country through force majeure? Absolutely not. And it is my duty, as a journalist and above all, as a Venezuelan, to shed light on the truth. Or at least, to its closest approximation. This does not favour or respond to Guyana's interests, but is a demonstration of a deeper reality.

Factors absolutely nothing (why it failed), consider the conclusion obvious.

Retard made a point about how the media reports everything on Maduro, takes back point, retard kwetches at nationalism (like populism) and claims the opposition party in his Autocratic country without the irony of opposition party in such a country, is actually united with the "despot"

I am not lying to you. Even the opposition parties, who denounced Maduro and his ilk to the International Criminal Court, have joined together in a united front to support the upcoming consultative referendum that all Venezuelans must answer in December on the question of the Essequibo. For centuries, no administration cared about that place, now that it is useful to dominate the political and communicational agenda, added to the incipient and obvious total corruption of politics in Venezuela, give rise to this potentially dangerous scenario. Because let us not forget how autocratic governments have historically acted.

Such autocracy, such historical moves,

For centuries, no administration cared about that place

Nuance and sensibilities, abandon all hope, he's another retard farming fake outrage and shamelessly virtue signaling over something so pointless he must invent controversy, numerous media report .

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