In the Eyes of a CHILD... Donetsk (Ukraine 2-25-2022)

"Do you remember being without war?" I'm nine... I've only known war...


You may not be able to understand the spoken words, but their watered eyes... their facial expressions, bring clear understanding to all hearts.

(Children at 10:42 min into Video)

YouTube Video Presented by @PatrickLancaster

Citizen Journalist on the Ground in Donbar Region - Ukraine

The children you see in this video live in Donetsk in the Donbar region of S.E. Ukraine. It is a region of which has been under attack for years, due to it's seperative movement by citizens there who identify more as Russian than they do Ukrainian.

It is a long story that we are not likely to see reported upon by main-stream media. Yet, it is greatly, in part, the reason for current situation affecting the entire country.

Here Are a Couple More of our Hive friends in the Ukraine you Might Like to Check Out



Hive - Feb. 26,2022
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