The Old Dog Presents: The Juxtaposition as Art Contest!

"What? A juxtaposition contest! What's that?"

I'm glad that you asked! Lets start by defining what juxtaposition is and then we'll have a look at a sample.

Juxtaposition: the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect. It is often used in the visual arts to emphasize a concept or form unique composition. It also adds intrigue to paintings, drawings or sculptures.

Here's A Sample That I Photographed Today

Here I feature the juxtaposition of the living beautiful and colorful spiked Speedwell with the dead, rotting and drab colored fence rail.

Here's Another Sample From

Here we see the juxtaposition of the huge, lumbering, powerful and dark elephant with the small, nimble, much weaker light colored bird.

Now It's Your Turn To Present a Juxtaposition!

**Here Are the Contest Rules:
● Make art out of a juxtaposition.

● Post your photos in the comment section below

● The photo must be yours NOT one that you find on the internet.

● Maximum of 2 entries per person

● If you make a post promoting the contest I'll try and give it an upvote as well

● There will be at least 5 prizes of 2 Hive each!

● The contest closes in 7 days

Let's Spread The Wealth With Contest Participation!

If you like contests and would like to see more of them here on the Hive Blockchain please consider upvoting my posts. Contests help our community so spread the word!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Let's Succeed Together!

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