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How to measure "Social Learning Environment that Affect Students’ Academic Performance" - Questionnaire Guide Questions

Hello teachers, students, and researchers, I am here again today, Wednesday, 20th May, 2020, to share a guide on how to measure "Social Learning Environment that Affect Students’ Academic Performance" through research.

Education remains the bedrock of development in every society and is within the context of educational theme that learners be groomed on how tolerate at their best with one another.

Bandura in the Social learning theory posited that learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context and can occur purely through observation or direct instruction, even in the absence of motor reproduction or direct reinforcement. In addition to the observation of behavior, learning also occurs through the observation of rewards and punishments, a process known as a vicarious reinforcement. These processes constitute to the health of an environment which learning takes place.

It therefore becomes important to talk about the relationships that exist within the learning space between the tutors, students and amongst the two groups. This leads to the concepts of teacher-student relationship, student-teacher relationship, student-student relation and teacher-teacher relationship.

Teachers play vital roles in the lives of the students in their learning environment. Teachers are best known for the role of educating the students that are placed in their care. Beyond that, teachers serve many other roles in the classroom. Teachers set the tone of their classrooms, build a warm environment, mentor and nurture students, become role models, and listen and look for signs of trouble.

The learning environment therefore determines to a large extent how a student behaves and interacts, that is to say that the social environment in which we find ourselves tend to mould our behavior so as to meet the demands of life whether negatively or positively.

It is against this background that related studies to measure Social Learning Environment that Affect Students’ Academic Performance.

I have put in over seven years into educational researches, and I have discovered that it is a popular problem among research students to be able to construct their instruments for collection of data even when this is a major component for the success of the research. In the coming days, I would be sharing more research guides and tips for students and teachers. This is my way of supporting the @Education-Hive community.

I decided to put below the following guide questions for a researcher who is interested in working on a topic related to " Social Learning Environment that Affect Students’ Academic Performance.

Questionnaire Items to measure Social Learning Environment that Affect Students’ Academic Performance

Variable 1: Teacher-student relationship

1Teachers make the classroom environment to be warm and student centered.AgreedDisagreed
2Teachers love and care for their student.AgreedDisagreed
3Teachers advise/ punish their student on a sinful acts.AgreedDisagreed
4Teachers create time to attend to students psychological needs.AgreedDisagreed
5Teachers create time to attend to student academic needs.AgreedDisagreed

Variable 2: Student-teacher relationship

6Student show respect to their teachers and this influences their academic performance.AgreedDisagreed
7Student love their teachers and this influences their academic performance.AgreedDisagreed
8Student transfer aggression to their teachers and this influences their academic performance.AgreedDisagreed
9Students see teachers as role models.AgreedDisagreed
10Students understand teachers’ first language which sometimes could be used in teaching.AgreedDisagreed

For the sake of users using mobile phones, the below view would be helpful:

Variable 1: Teacher-student relationship

  1. Teachers make the classroom environment to be warm and student centered.
  2. Teachers love and care for their student
  3. Teachers advise/ punish their student on a sinful acts
  4. Teachers create time to attend to students psychological needs.
  5. Teachers create time to attend to student academic needs.

Variable 2: Student-teacher relationship

  1. Student show respect to their teachers and this influences their academic performance
  2. Student love their teachers and this influences their academic performance
  3. Student transfer aggression to their teachers and this influences their academic performance
  4. Students see teachers as role models
  5. Students understand teachers’ first language which sometimes could be used in teaching.

I am your Research Assistant @Uyobong. We hope to meet again tomorrow for some helpful educational research tips. Feel free to use the comment section of this post to ask questions so we can interact the more.

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