Short story: Dini the dinosaur friend. 2nd part



The children were also very happy to have a dinosaur in the class, what a wonderful experience. The day before, the teacher had talked about dinosaurs; what was their favorite food, their names, the way of life. They couldn't believe it! They had a real one at school.

Everyone was eager to ask questions of their new friend, the dinosaur Dini, they had a great day. The teacher decided to take him home now that Dini would accompany him, he promised to take him to class from time to time.

Dini is a very cooperative friend who washes breakfast dishes every day. Dini went to drink water and
He swallowed a fish that was inside. When the fish was in its belly, they began to tickle it and the dinosaur laughed.


When he stopped laughing, he got up and started jumping to pull out the fish that were having so much fun. The fish came out of the belly and Dino said: oh, there were fish in the water!

So he ate a chocolate donut for breakfast and went to take a nap under a tree for a while to rest.

Questions to work on reading comprehension:

  1. What was the protagonist's name?

  2. What did you do every day?

  3. What color was the di?

  4. What animal did you eat when you drank water?

  5. What did the fish do to him?

  6. Where did you go to sleep?

  7. What is your favorite dinosaur?

  8. What was the donut made of?

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