Snakes survive without eating for a long time


Hello everyone all my lovely friends!
Once there was a floor of a neighbor's house that was used as a living snake. At first people never knew until one day a hissing sound was heard. Because of fear, he asked for help dismantled in order to know what happened.
When dismantled it turns out there is a snake that lives under the floor. This certainly surprised everyone. How a snake can survive under the floor.
We can also find similar news. From the news on television even there are snakes that grow to be big in the mattress that is still used.
Of course we must be able to know to be able to explain why there are animals that can survive and continue to grow where they don't belong.

Slow metabolism

In many cases we can analyze why there are animals that can survive long without eating every day.
From biology we learn the metabolism of every living thing is different speed. The faster the metabloism takes place the faster he will feel hungry and want to eat.
In some animals they can survive without eating every day.
In snakes will immediately swallow prey without chewing it. prey that enters the stomach without being killed will be processed using acid in the stomach slowly. The long process of making food is not immediately digested. This also applies when using food that is digested into energy. Snakes can hold the rate of anabolism and catabolism at once.
Decomposition of food into energy lasts so long that the snake does not need to eat again for a long time. In addition, snakes are also cold-blooded animals. The snake will follow the temperature around it so that he has no difficulty to survive.
Even as long as he doesn't eat he can still grow bigger. That's why we can find snakes that are covered by solid objects can still live so much bigger.
Thus my writing this time may be useful for all of us.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoy it.

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