Egg worthiness and storage


Hello lovely friends!
Eggs are the most easily processed food. we can cook with the simplest things. Elementary school children can already cook it. From the simplest way to boil, fry until more difficult dishes such as omelets and other side dishes. Eggs can also be easily mixed with other ingredients such as fried rice, balado eggs, or other dishes. u will be dangerous for health. Sometimes when we add eggs to a dish before we know it's worth it, we will regret it because the egg is rotten and unworthy. Finally we discard all dishes because mixed with rotten eggs.



How to find out egg viability

Before cooking we must ensure that the eggs we are going to cook are not rotten and are fit for consumption. Sometimes when we cook an egg it turns out the eggs are rotten and smell bad. if we fry rotten tent eggs
So practical cooking egg meals will be better if we know the feasibility of an egg for consumption.
There are several ways to find out whether the eggs are still fresh and suitable for consumption or not. Here are some ways that we can do.

1. Put eggs in water

Provide a basin and fill it with water. Put eggs in a basin filled with water. If the egg immediately sinks to the bottom of the basin in a tilted position, it means that it is still good and worthy of consumption. Conversely, if the egg is floating, it means the egg is rotten and not suitable to eat. then the choice is not to cook and immediately throw it in the trash.
Sometimes there are eggs that sink but its position is upright. These eggs are still suitable for consumption, but the conditions are not good. This type of egg must be processed immediately so that it does not rot later on and cannot be consumed.

2. Shake and listen to the sound of eggs

We can also find out the feasibility of eggs by shaking the egg several times, then bring it to the ear. If it's fresh, then no sound will be heard. Conversely, if the egg is not good, there will be a sound.



3. Egg shell condition

The feasibility of eggs for consumption can also be seen from the condition of the shell. If the shell is intact, then the egg is usually in good condition,
Cracked egg shells are also a sign of being unfit because it could be rotten inside. If it is broken or broken while traveling and can still be cooked, it must be processed immediately.



4. Condition of egg

If we want to cook then don't break the eggs and mix them directly in one container. We must break down one by one while checking whether the eggs are still good or rotten.
The yolk of fresh eggs is also bright and round. The condition of eggs that are not good is usually the color of the yolk is paler, flatter, and the egg white is slightly runny.



Storage of eggs

After we know how to detect the feasibility of eggs, we should also know how to properly store eggs in order to last longer.
It would be better if we eat eggs that are still fresh. but for that we are certainly having trouble because we don't have our own chicken farm.
To keep eggs fresh, we need to keep eggs in a low temperature. Can be stored at room temperature, but the condition will continue to decline from day to day. Eggs should be stored in cartons in the main compartment and not in a refrigerator door that is not cold enough.
We can also freeze eggs to extend their shelf life to one year. You do this by breaking eggs and whisking them together, then put them in the freezer. Egg whites can be frozen by themselves. Freezing is not recommended if the egg is still in the shell.
In this way we can save eggs and consume eggs in good condition.
Thus my writing this time may be useful for us all.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoy it.

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