Some Important Children's Education for Their Future


Many things must be prepared to provide a good future for children's lives. Since the baby, you may be accustomed to preparing various material needs for him. However, after toddler age, things that are as important as material needs appear, namely mental education of children.

Not a few parents think that education begins when the child begins to enter the community. for example when starting pre-school or kindergarten. In fact, children's education begins when they begin to learn to understand the world, starting from the family.

As children get older, your duties as parents will of course become more complex and increase. Come on, pay attention and do some important child education for the future of the following baby!

Moral education.

Moral education for children is important to develop good character in the future. One of the close and close moral education in life is honesty. always help children to get used to behaving honestly. Tell the child that honesty is a value that he must hold, and become the main capital at all times for his own good and the common good in the future.

Help your child always find ways to stay honest and practice justice. In addition, apologizing can also be another moral behavior that we must teach. Teach him to apologize if he is wrong. Help your child do something about his/her mistake, whether it's to correct it, or make up for it in some other way. This will foster a strong concept of justice for him.

Keep in mind whatever education your child teaches, setting an example is the best way to get children to understand and do what you teach. You as a parent must also apply the values you teach. A good environment will shape the child into a good person.

Children's self-understanding.

Self-understanding is a state that represents the child's cognitive about self, and is the subject and content of the child's self-understanding or understanding. This is one of the important education for children and needs to be taught by parents. The more children grow up, starting from elementary school to college, parents can start teaching self-understanding theoretically along with its direct application.

Giving flexibility but being monitored will really help children to grow self-confidence and courage in trying new things, exploring new areas, and discovering what he is passionate about.

Those are two things that we must understand as parents in educating our children. But of course there are other things about children's education that we must understand, learn, and return to teach it to our children. including social skills education, hard skills that include intelligence, as well as cognitive ability education.



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