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How Teachers Can Help Students With Special Needs


Educating students with special needs, for some teachers, is not easy. There are many challenges to be faced. Not infrequently there are teachers who feel confused and frustrated that in the end they do not pay attention to the development of children with special needs.

Here I write some tips for educating students with special needs that can be a reference for teachers in teaching students with special needs.

Recognize situations and conditions.

Asking the students we teach are not normal students, then the teacher is required to see the situation and also the condition of the students very well. When a student does not want to learn, it is better to let him be engrossed in his own world. meaning, there is no coercion, if forced, the student will become angry.

Know that students with special needs cannot be taught using learning methods like other normal students. like children in general. therefore we have to be more patient, painstaking, and also of course because it takes extra energy so that students can understand the material explained in front of the class.

Record student progress on a regular basis / every day.

This will be useful to know the extent to which a student is developing, and experiencing changes. So that we will have an overview to teach it at each stage. Record what they managed to do, problems they managed to solve. If then we find things that are less than optimal in students, we can look for new strategies as an alternative to educate them to experience development.

Provide a record of the child's progress to each parent, so that parents also teach their children at home about the same thing. In this way, more significant results will be seen over time.

Supervise students regularly

Unlike other normal students, students with special needs cannot be left for a long time, we must always provide supervision to them regularly and in a short time. This means that in a relatively short period of time we have to monitor their activities. Otherwise, they may even do things they shouldn't, which can endanger their health and even their own lives.

Teachers as educators are also responsible not only for the cognitive abilities of children with special needs, but also responsible for shaping the mental and character of the child. Therefore, The hope that the self-confidence of children with special needs can minimize or even eliminate the bullying they experience.
