Call for reflection on transmissibility implications of new variant of Coronavirus


This post counts as a call for reflection, I know that writing about Covid-19 is something extremely trite, additionally it is a topic that most users are not encouraged to read, either because, so many negative news has exhausted them emotionally, or simply do not believe that this virus is deadly.

However, I decided to write these lines precisely for all types of readers but very specifically for skeptical people, basically because, despite the devastating death toll caused by this disease, there is still collective skepticism that questions the existence of Covid-19.

It should be recalled that in recent weeks the World Health Organization (WHO) has reported the appearance of a new variant of Coronavirus (Covid-19) called Omicron, a fact to note is that this new variant does not have a common origin, and has been unidentified in several countries, a fact that in itself has somehow generated much imprecision to know its biological behavior and level of virulence.

Source: Infosalus

Beyond the biological behavior and level of virulence of this new variant of Covid-19, I would like to make a call for reflection to each of those skeptical people, because although these Christmas weeks demand days of sharing in family unity, out of respect for life and love for our families, under no circumstances should we stop applying the bio-security measures that we have been complying with.

Leaving aside biosecurity measures implies exposing our loved ones to contagion, and it will be very unfortunate to spend these last days of the year with a family member infected or in critical health because of Covid-19.

In recent weeks, I have witnessed first hand how family and friends were infected with Covid-19, I really do not know if the new variant Omicron is affecting them, what I can tell you is that in addition to my friends and family in my town Santa Barbara de Zulia - Venezuela, has unleashed an exponential level of contagion that threatens the tranquility of hundreds of families in these days of Christmas.

In my town, public health officials say that the cases reported so far have been mostly asymptomatic, and they are people who had already received some of the vaccines given in Venezuela.

One of those people infected is my father, and I would like to tell you that when I found out, that is when I wished I had pressed the pause button and gone back to erase that chapter, but you well know that it is not possible, because we do not live in a movie, this is real life, and beyond any warning call or any alarm signal, it is improbable to see the latent risk of losing a relative in the hands of Covid-19.

It is extremely sad to see how Covid-19 has impacted my father's health, and even though in the last few days my father has responded favorably to the treatment he is receiving, the virus has affected his liver system and he is currently receiving medical attention to counteract this unfortunate sequela.

Out of respect for life and love for our family members, under no circumstances should we fail to apply biosecurity measures against Covid-19.


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating image background: Source: Atalayar

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