Children who are traumatized by being victims of violence

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A woman asked me about how to deal with the trauma experienced by her child. So, the woman didn't know what to do because her child was abused at school which caused deep trauma. So, cases of violence in the school environment often occur. Schools are supposed to be safe places for learning and activities, but they have another side, namely the threat of violence that may be perpetrated by their peers.

This will have an impact on their mental and psychological conditions. Children who are victims of violence in the school environment will be traumatized and can even experience feelings of anxiety and depression. Of course, this kind of thing does not want to happen to our children. Then how to heal the trauma of children who have already experienced violence in their school environment? This is the question one woman asked me.

Then I answered him to keep the child away from the scene. The place where violence occurs in children will provoke memories and emotions. This will create a worse trauma for your child. If parents do not want to keep their child away from the place or continue their education at the school, they should consult with the teacher or principal to find alternative solutions.

That's just not enough. As a parent, you also have to give your child a sense of security when they are victims of violence. You have to show more attention and affection to your child and make sure you are always there for him. Tell your child that everything will be fine. That way, you will be able to relieve the trauma and the anxiety will also be reduced.

Even though you provide a sense of security to your child, it doesn't mean you have to lock him up at home and not allow him to leave the house to socialize with his friends. I know that parents will feel worried and anxious after their children become victims of violence. However, if you limit the social (not allowed to play with their peers), then your child will feel lonely and feel isolated. Let your child return to their world, let your child play and hang out with his friends, but still under the full supervision of you as a parent.

When your child still shows a moody, anxious, and depressed attitude, it means that your child is still experiencing deep trauma. Try to invite him to do activities that are positive and also fun so that your child avoids feelings that suppress his mental. Try to invite your child to play ball, paint, or do any hobby that can keep him busy. In this way, traumatic memories or other negative feelings will be diverted to positive, pleasurable activities.

Continue to support your child. Many parents are saddened to learn that their children are victims of violence. However, you can't stay sad forever. Your grief will hurt your child. Your child will also experience deep sadness if he sees his parents feeling depressed. This will create a much greater sense of trauma. I understand the feelings of sadness parents feel, but don't show it to your child.

Your child needs support and also a positive spirit from parents and the surrounding environment. Stay optimistic and reassure them that the future will be fine. That way, it will be easier for you to help your child develop a sense of optimism and also face the future. Trauma is sad, but there is no need to lament and dissolve in that sadness. Face the trauma that comes and face it calmly. Even though you have to go through pain and fear, the things you face to fight the trauma will experience can teach you life lessons.

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