A Teacher Must Understand the Psychology

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Good afternoon my HiveBlog friends, how are you? I hope you stay healthy and happy. On this occasion, I want to discuss about teachers and psychology. Even though I don't aspire to be a teacher, those of you who want to become a teacher must understand psychology. Why should? Because psychology is so popular in its use because of its functions and objectives which have proven effective in dealing with problems and anticipating the occurrence of an mistake.

Especially in the world of work that requires a high level of accuracy in certain positions, it has become a necessity to conduct psychological tests to map the position of employees based on their real interests and talents. This can be known through tests and psychological science that is supported by accurate and provable data.

Even for the world of education, of course, much more requires the participation of psychology. Therefore, a branch of psychology was born which specifically discusses all matters related to the learning process. In the future, even this educational psychology will be considered mandatory for every teacher or teaching staff to know. There are three important reasons for you to become a teacher candidate.

1. Understanding theory is not the only thing that teachers need to know

It is natural that to become a teacher or teacher one must know and understand the material to be taught to his students. With the development of science, child psychology is proven to be very necessary to be mastered by a teacher. So for those of you who are predicated as a teacher or prospective teacher, you should start from now on to learn all things related to educational psychology.

2. Will Teachers Be Replaced By Educated Experts?

The changes and developments of the times as well as the latest research are increasingly realizing that being a teacher is not only enough to master the material, but must also be supported by psychological insight into children's education so that the process of delivering information can be well received by children.

It is with this pretext that in this century, countries that are classified as advanced have designed professional educators from various experts who will occupy positions as teachers or educators. This reason is certainly enough to make teaching staff with conventional delivery styles begin to deepen their psychological insight into children's education.

3. Discover the 9 Principles of Psychology in Education

Educators who only capitalize on mastery of the material are usually less able to convey theory in a fun way or at least easily accepted by students. In general, an educator who is still lacking in psychological insight will expect the knowledge digested by his students to be the same as what he understood before.

Of course, the creativity and innovation of students are very low because students are only educated to continue to follow what has been there before. In addition to dealing with problems in the learning process, of course, psychology can also be found on several agendas in the world of education lately:

a. New Student Selection Process

Recently, there have been many excellent schools that have initiated psychological tests when new prospective students participate in the selection. In general, the purpose of this educational psychology test is so that the interests and talents of prospective new students can be seen as early as possible so that their development can be carried out as soon as possible.

b. Education Curriculum Preparation Process

The educational curriculum is an important thing that will determine whether teaching and learning activities run according to the objectives or not. With the participation of educational psychology, the educational curriculum will be better targeted.

c. Teaching and Learning Interaction

The pattern of interaction between teachers and students is the main point to determine how far one or even a group of children accept the presence of a new educator other than their parents. When a teacher or educator understands well about educational psychology, of course, the interactions that occur with students are of higher quality than teachers who deliver conventional learning materials.

That was the explanation and the reason I said that teachers must understand psychology. If you want to be a teacher, then study psychology first. On another occasion, I will explain more about psychology. thank you for reading.

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