Writing to give value to readers

I watched an amazing recorded lecture delivered by Larry McEnerney this afternoon.

This is the link :

The title is The Craft of Writing Effectively.

There is much to like about this talk as it touched on the core business of academic writing. I found value in it, and you would likely find new inspirations through it, if you too write, for a living.

The previous paragraph is a move that is meant to convince you or hint to you that the lecture has value and you should watch it too. The title of this post probably gave away what I think is the main lesson I learned from Larry McEnerney: Readers don’t care unless the writing gives them value.

If you been reading this post attentively enough, I am going to stop abruptly so that you can go and watch it and enjoy the lecture. You will.

Link to the excerpt and related handout contributed by Buomsoo Kim: https://buomsoo-kim.github.io/learning/2020/03/30/Craft-of-writing-effectively.md/

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