How to protect children from gadgets?

Hi Hive Lovers

Whether we realize it or not, the use of gadgets by children, especially minors, has become a serious problem for all parents. But on the other hand, we as parents also cannot at all refuse to give children access to gadgets.

The development of modern telecommunications technology has made everyone of all ages need access to these technological tools, and children, including this age group, must get access by utilizing them for their education and learning.

This article does not want to discuss the dangers or negative effects of children using gadgets. You all really understand the impact of physical and psychological health problems on children due to excessive use of gadgets.

So that children don't use gadgets excessively and cause serious problems for their development, every parent needs to carry out strict and disciplined management as a preventive effort by limiting screen time for children.

The following 5 simple steps can be taken to manage the use of gadgets by children so that all children can use their gadgets in a healthy way.

1. Children don't have their own gadgets

The biggest mistake some parents make is providing gadgets for their children before they are ready. Many parents buy gadgets for their children with the excuse that their parents' gadgets are not used by their children.

Gadgets that are provided specifically for children will create the perception of a sense of ownership that it is their own gadget, and that will provide a great opportunity for the child to access it without the permission of their parents. Children should never have their own gadgets before their time.

2. Parents are the best example

You, as a parent, are an example for your children to follow. Children are the best imitators, and what you do will be fully followed by your children, including the behavior of using this modern communication tool.

Save and keep your gadgets away when you are with your children; if it is very urgent to have to use them, then provide reasons or explanations that are easy for them to understand why you should use them.

Model your healthy behavior when using your gadgets, and you will be their best role model.

3. Set limits

Setting certain boundaries will regulate children's behavior when accessing gadgets. Some things that need to be limited are time, place, and purpose of use.

Parents can make rules about when and in which room a child can use gadgets and for what purpose they are used.

4. Content quality

Parents must know and control what their children will consume from using these gadgets. Know and look for applications or websites that can add to and enrich children's knowledge according to their needs and age.

Letting children surf and explore the virtual world alone is a big mistake because of the mismatch of needs and limitations of thinking about and analyzing what they consume there.

The quality of the content they get is far more important than the quantity they have to get, for example, just to access social media or play games that are not clear.

5. Engage in activities

Get involved in your children's gadget activities.
If you are a good parent, then you will provide time for each of your children's development, including in their online activities.

Intense parental involvement in screen time using gadgets will let you know what they want, what they are doing, and who they are talking about, as well as strengthening your bond with your children.

So, these five steps for managing parental use of gadgets for children are very easy for all parents to do and are very important to ensure their children avoid physical and mental health problems as a result of using gadgets incorrectly and excessively. What needs to be considered is the commitment, discipline, and consistency of parents until their children are adults.

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