ONE MONTH happiness challenge! Changing the world into a better place! Day 2 of 30 days

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There are so many bad things happening around us every day. We tend to focus more on the negativity in everything we hear and see. The news is too depressing to watch, and if you just look around you, I am sure that you will see something or someone that you can complain about.

I may sound like a CD stuck on the same song, but what if today was you last day on earth?

Do you want to spend it miserably negative and unhappy, or do you want to go out with a song in your heart?

The world is a sad, sad place, but the reality is that we don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. All that we have is now....

So, don't stay mad at others for too long. You never know when it will be the last time you see them.

Live your life, like YOU want to and don't let others prescribe to you on how you should live.

Don't worry about the people around you. You are important and you are the only one responsible for you. Find your own happy place and be the best you can be today! Look past the negatives and try to see the good things all around you.

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