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Are you an ignorant person?

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If you read my last few posts you might think that I am a real negative Nelly. It is just extremely difficult to stay positive when everything around you has such a negative influence.

Have you ever tried to stay positive but it feels as if the universe is against you at all times?

Just watch the news on television. There is so much crime, death and negativity that it influences us all the time. The media sure has a way of creating fear amongst people. The worst is that we have become so used to this that we just switch off. We hear about all these horrible things happening all around us, but it has become such a part of our daily lives that we don't even think about it anymore.

It goes in and within seconds we have forgotten about it and we just continue with our lives. We go through life like blind people. We see it but we don't SEE!

What do you define as a good person?

Do you see yourself as a good person? We are so easily influenced by others and we are so set in our ways that we often do not realize how we act in front of others. Think about this:

If you walk past a homeless person, do you walk past as quickly as you can, or do you at least think about what this poor person went through to be where they
currently are? Do you give them money or food or do you just forget about it the minute you go past?

This is something to think about, right? We are very easy to judge others without even thinking about it.

Does this make you a bad person? I don't think so because we are after all just human and we cannot help everyone, but there are definite ways to improve yourself so that you at least don't look like a jerk when you walk past someone you don't want to interact with.

Friendliness costs nothing and a smile won't break your face. Take time during your day to focus on other people and not only on yourself. Begin by taking other people into consideration. Pack an extra lunch and give it to a friend or anyone throughout the course of the day. It is a start.

Every little thing that you do might be the start of a ripple effect and it can change the world. Perhaps you influence someone else to do the same, and eventually your small deed is the beginning of something big.

Life is full of surprises but always remember that the wheel turns. Somewhere everything will catch up on you. Make that change today, and you will see, the more you do for other, the better it will make you feel because you will know that you made the difference in someone elses life.

Life is more about giving and the more you give the more you will receive.