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Young Students In Online Education & Computer Tools

Hi there. In this short education post I would like to cover the topic of young students and online education. The inspiration behind this post is based on my Mathnasium online work. We have received an influx of younger students for the summer. Younger students range from SK & grade one to grade five. Those past a grade like grade five can definitely adapt to online learning. With the younger students there is a learning curve with using the tech tools. This post provides my own overview on some of the tools younger students use for online learning.

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  • Kids & Using The Mouse
  • Using The Keyboard
  • Sound & Headphones
  • Parental Assistance


Kids & Using The Mouse

The computer mouse is one of the most important tools for many commands online. Functions include:

  • Drawing
  • Colouring/Highlighting
  • Creating pictures
  • Clicking buttons for website commands and features.
  • Refreshing the webpage
  • Mouse Wheel commands
  • Creating a textbox for typing.


A computer mouse can be for left handed users or right handed users. It does take time and practice with using the mouse, button clicking and using website commands.

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Using The Keyboard

The keyboard is a neat modern tool. It really gets the fingers and the brain going in order for online communication with words and symbols.

As younger students are starting with typing, they will most likely adopt a hunt and peck approach with typing. It is best not to expect to do touch typing where they can type fast without looking at the keyboard.

Letter and numbers are quite easy to type for students. It just takes one press of the key. Capitalization and using symbols such as $, %, ^, *, ( ), + are tricky as they require holding down the SHIFT key along with pressing the corresponding key. It would require both hands to do this.

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Sound & Headphones

As education is largely dependent on information flow, it is important to have sound on for the students. Parents and educators can assist with setting up sound and camera for online sessions. Headphones are optional as lessons would not disturb others if the student is in a common area of the home such as the kitchen, dining room and/or living room.

It would help both the student and educator to avoid having music and Youtube during online education sessions. This is for eliminating distractions for students and educators.

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Parental Assistance

It is a good idea for parents to monitor their kids in online classes. This is for helping their kid(s) if they get stuck with certain commands or they need help with a computer issue. Parents can be near the computer to monitor the online sessions to make sure the session is positive and educational for their child and that their child is not distracted.

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Thank you for reading.