The world inventions; The history and the case of Solomon's Temple!


You know, Solomon's Temple was built in Jerusalem, and it marked the celebration of God, Jesus Christ and the religion called for Christianity. The temple in Jerusalem was the first church that established the doing of Christianity, and to love and admire God for all his good doings to any time, and we really got this church in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. And many humans have through all their times with all the family relations to any time, both present and in history had something to believe within, and you can love and admire what you like, and every research report about it is making the choices about what to think and to feel within the religions with all the literature to any times anywhere in these places.

We cannot do anything else than being the best and trying to be the best in the schools, in the research, in the communities and into the societies, and we should try to win every battle, also in academic and in religious life, and life is about a love story from the start to the end, and we are just humans everyone of us, with the body which is functioning as the different parts are signalling to us, and this is how we enjoy and appreciate life to any time, and in history people have lived and perceived the reality and the information being present, and they have made the decisions that they wanted trying to structure the reality with content and with information pieces to any time. And life is much about selling, marketing, strategy, economics and information in the business markets where we are present with psychology and sociology. Psychology is about understanding the individual perception, information processing and reaction deeply into our souls, and sociology is the understanding and the determination of group responses when coming to roles and responsibility which each of us have in the society where we are operating, living and working.

The Solomon's Temple was organized and built in several departments, and there is the same story whether we are here or there, and hence the human history is filled with what you and me are doing and not doing, and it is always a history of making choices in our lives with the freedom and the diversity that we are having. It was made in relation to being able to house the Ark of the Covenant, and this church should fill the needs of the people, and that was mainly Israelites. And you know, people are often at different places to do something, and the life and the environments are always things we are dwelling with in life, and things that we are perceiving and developing and changing in life, and life is both static and dynamic! And every day is a new day, and that means that we are facing different challenges and tasks from time to time, but we also have stability and predictability in life with what we are doing.

The first temple for the Christianity in the world was built by King Solomon 1000 years before Christ. And this was after King David conquered Jerusalem, and made it as the capital of Israel, and we have much to thank this people for, and the Middle East is an area where there have been conflicts, and maybe these conflicts will continue to the end of the days. And how was this temple really organized and built? There were three rooms of equal width: the porch or vestibule; the main room of religious service, or Holy Place (hekhal), and the room for the Ark of the Covenant. And the room for the Ark of the Covenant was the holiest of them all. And this was the plan and the implementation for building a project with project management for this temple. And the Solomon's Temple was built in the years from 1000 years to 931 years before the life of Jesus Christ started. So, the time as mentioned as before Christ, are the years before the birth of Jesus Christ, and Jesus was coming from Nazareth. But the Solomon's Temple was not being there for forever and ever, and it was actually destroyed in history with or without motives of what was happening. This temple was destroyed in 587/586 before Christ by the Neo-Babylonian Empire under the second Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar II. And the Romans burnt the whole Jerusalem to delete the traces in history and what has really happened ever. And the history of the mankind and the humanity is filled with construction and deconstruction about which buildings that were built up in different environments and communities and societies.

Solomon's Temple was built in Jerusalem after they had these transportable tabernacle from years to years, and the Solomon's Temple was 60 cubits long, 20 cubits wide and 30 cubits high according to the Bible.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway


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